Exact Match:
- enactment
- the passing of a law by a legislative body
- accomplishment,
- achievement,
- act,
- acting,
- administration,
- aping,
- bill,
- bylaw,
- canon,
- characterization,
- commission,
- completion,
- concurrent resolution,
- conduct,
- constitution,
- decree,
- demonstration,
- dictate,
- dictation,
- discharge,
- dispatch,
- display,
- dumb show,
- edict,
- effectuation,
- embodiment,
- enacting,
- enaction,
- execution,
- exhibit,
- exhibition,
- exposition,
- exposure,
- form,
- formality,
- formula,
- formulary,
- handling,
- imitation,
- impersonation,
- implementation,
- incarnation,
- institution,
- joint resolution,
- jus,
- law,
- lawmaking,
- legislation,
- legislature,
- lex,
- management,
- masquerade,
- measure,
- mimesis,
- mimicking,
- mimicry,
- miming,
- opening,
- ordinance,
- ordonnance,
- ostentation,
- pantomime,
- pantomiming,
- passage,
- passing,
- performance,
- performing,
- perpetration,
- personation,
- personification,
- playing,
- portrayal,
- posing,
- prescript,
- prescription,
- presentation,
- presentment,
- production,
- projection,
- regulation,
- representation,
- resolution,
- retrospective,
- rubric,
- rule,
- ruling,
- show,
- showing,
- standing order,
- statute,
- transaction,
- unfolding,
- unfoldment,
- unveiling,
- varnishing day,
- vernissage