Exact Match:
- enclosure
- the act of enclosing something inside something else
- artifact consisting of a space that has been enclosed for some purpose
- something (usually a supporting document) that is enclosed in an envelope with a covering letter
- a naturally enclosed space
- abatis,
- advanced work,
- arena,
- bailey,
- balistraria,
- bank,
- banquette,
- barbed-wire entanglement,
- barbican,
- barnyard,
- barricade,
- barrier,
- bartizan,
- barton,
- bastion,
- battlement,
- boundary,
- box,
- breastwork,
- bulwark,
- cage,
- casemate,
- cheval-de-frise,
- cincture,
- circling,
- circumambience,
- circumambiency,
- circumcincture,
- circumflexion,
- circumjacence,
- circumposition,
- circumvallation,
- close,
- compound,
- confine,
- container,
- containment,
- contravallation,
- coop,
- corral,
- cote,
- counterscarp,
- court,
- courtyard,
- crib,
- croft,
- curtain,
- curtilage,
- delimited field,
- demibastion,
- dike,
- dog pound,
- drawbridge,
- earthwork,
- embracement,
- encincture,
- encirclement,
- enclave,
- encompassment,
- enfoldment,
- entanglement,
- envelopment,
- environment,
- escarp,
- escarpment,
- farmyard,
- fence,
- field,
- fieldwork,
- fold,
- fortalice,
- fortification,
- girding,
- girdling,
- glacis,
- ground,
- hedge,
- hell,
- hutch,
- inclusion,
- involvement,
- kraal,
- limbo,
- list,
- loophole,
- lunette,
- machicolation,
- manger,
- mantelet,
- merlon,
- mound,
- outwork,
- paddock,
- pale,
- paling,
- palisade,
- parados,
- parapet,
- park,
- pasture,
- pen,
- penfold,
- pigpen,
- pigsty,
- pinfold,
- place of confinement,
- polygon,
- portcullis,
- postern gate,
- pound,
- purgatory,
- quad,
- quadrangle,
- rail,
- railing,
- rampart,
- ravelin,
- redan,
- redoubt,
- rink,
- run,
- runway,
- sally port,
- scarp,
- sconce,
- square,
- stall,
- stockade,
- stockyard,
- sty,
- surrounding,
- tenaille,
- theater,
- toft,
- vallation,
- vallum,
- wall,
- work,
- yard