Exact Match:
- escape hatch
- hatchway that provides a means of escape in an emergency
- alternative,
- back door,
- back stairs,
- back way,
- bolt-hole,
- boundary condition,
- catch,
- choice,
- clause,
- condition,
- covert way,
- donnee,
- ejection seat,
- emergency exit,
- escalator clause,
- escalier derobe,
- escape clause,
- escape route,
- fine print,
- fire escape,
- given,
- grounds,
- inflatable slide,
- joker,
- kicker,
- life buoy,
- life net,
- life raft,
- lifeboat,
- lifeline,
- limiting condition,
- loophole,
- obligation,
- parameter,
- prerequisite,
- pretext,
- provision,
- provisions,
- proviso,
- requisite,
- sally port,
- saving clause,
- secret exit,
- secret passage,
- secret staircase,
- side door,
- sine qua non,
- slide,
- small print,
- specification,
- stipulation,
- string,
- terms,
- ultimatum,
- underground,
- underground railroad,
- underground route,
- way of escape,
- way out,
- whereas