Exact Match:
- evade
- use cunning or deceit to escape or avoid; "The con man always evades"
- practice evasion; "This man always hesitates and evades"
- abstain,
- around the bush,
- avoid,
- back and fill,
- bail out,
- beat about,
- beg,
- beg the question,
- bicker,
- bilk,
- blench,
- blink,
- boggle,
- break away,
- break jail,
- break loose,
- bypass,
- cavil,
- cheat,
- choplogic,
- circumvent,
- cop out,
- cringe,
- cut loose,
- deceive,
- ditch,
- dodge,
- double,
- draw back,
- duck,
- duck the issue,
- elude,
- equivocate,
- escape,
- escape prison,
- eschew,
- evade the issue,
- fade,
- fall back,
- falsify,
- fence,
- flee,
- flinch,
- fly,
- fly the coop,
- foil,
- frustrate,
- fudge,
- get around,
- get away,
- get away from,
- get clear of,
- get free,
- get out,
- get out of,
- get round,
- give the runaround,
- give the slip,
- go one better,
- hang back,
- hedge,
- hem and haw,
- hum and haw,
- jib,
- jump,
- lie,
- make a getaway,
- mince the truth,
- mince words,
- mystify,
- nitpick,
- obscure,
- outfigure,
- outflank,
- outgeneral,
- outguess,
- outmaneuver,
- outplay,
- outreach,
- outsmart,
- outwit,
- overreach,
- palter,
- parry,
- pass the buck,
- pick nits,
- prevaricate,
- pull back,
- pussyfoot,
- quail,
- quibble,
- recoil,
- reel back,
- retreat,
- shake,
- shake off,
- sheer off,
- shift,
- shift about,
- shirk,
- shrink,
- shrink back,
- shuffle,
- shuffle out of,
- shun,
- shy,
- sidestep,
- sit it out,
- skip,
- skirt,
- slip away,
- slip the collar,
- split hairs,
- stand neuter,
- start aside,
- start back,
- stonewall,
- straddle,
- swerve,
- tergiversate,
- thwart,
- trim,
- turn aside,
- victimize,
- waffle,
- weasel,
- weasel out,
- wince