Exact Match:
- examine
- question closely
- observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect; "The customs agent examined the baggage"; "I must see your passport before you can enter the country"
- air,
- analyze,
- appraise,
- archetype,
- asleep,
- assess,
- autopsy,
- beau ideal,
- bone,
- canvass,
- case,
- case history,
- case in point,
- catechize,
- check,
- check out,
- check over,
- check up,
- check up on,
- cold,
- comment upon,
- con,
- consider,
- contemplate,
- controvert,
- cross-examine,
- dead,
- deal with,
- debate,
- deceased,
- defunct,
- deliberate,
- deliberate upon,
- departed,
- dig,
- discourse about,
- discuss,
- drill,
- elucubrate,
- example,
- exanimate,
- exchange views,
- exemplar,
- explore,
- extinct,
- eye,
- give an examination,
- give the eye,
- give the once-over,
- go into,
- go over,
- grill,
- grind,
- handle,
- hard look,
- ideal,
- illustration,
- inanimate,
- inquire into,
- inspect,
- interrogate,
- interview,
- investigate,
- knock around,
- late,
- leer,
- leer at,
- lifeless,
- look at,
- look into,
- look over,
- lucubrate,
- mirror,
- model,
- monitor,
- observe,
- ogle,
- ogle at,
- overhaul,
- overlook,
- paradigm,
- pass over,
- pass under review,
- pattern,
- peer at,
- peruse,
- plunge into,
- pore,
- pore over,
- postmortem,
- practice,
- probe,
- problem,
- pump,
- query,
- question,
- quiz,
- rap,
- read,
- reason,
- reason about,
- reason the point,
- regard studiously,
- representative,
- research,
- restudy,
- review,
- run over,
- sample,
- sampling,
- scan,
- scrutinize,
- search,
- set an examination,
- shining example,
- sift,
- size,
- size up,
- sound out,
- specimen,
- standard,
- study,
- survey,
- swot,
- take a long,
- take stock of,
- take the measure,
- take up,
- talk,
- talk about,
- talk of,
- talk over,
- test,
- thresh out,
- treat,
- ventilate,
- vet,
- view,
- wade through,
- weigh,
- worm out of