repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse; "bromidic sermons"; "his remarks were trite and commonplace"; "hackneyed phrases"; "a stock answer"; "repeating threadbare jokes"; "parroting some timeworn axiom"; "the trite metaphor `hard as nails'"
suggesting connivance; "a cozy arrangement with the police"
enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space; "a cozy nook near the fire"; "snug in bed"; "a snug little apartment"
having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere; "had a cozy chat"; "a relaxed informal manner"; "an intimate cocktail lounge"; "the small room was cozy and intimate"
make payment to; compensate; "My efforts were not remunerated"
make amends for; pay compensation for; "One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich"; "She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident"
adjust for; "engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance"
consisting of or containing or of the nature of crystals; "granite is crystalline"
transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity; "the cold crystalline water of melted snow"; "crystal clear skies"; "could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool"; "lucid air"; "a pellucid brook"; "transparent crystal"
distinctly or sharply outlined; "crystalline sharpness of outline"- John Buchan
absolutely required and not to be used up or sacrificed
absolutely necessary; vitally necessary; "essential tools and materials"; "funds essential to the completion of the project"; "an indispensable worker"
being or relating to or containing the essence of a plant etc; "essential oil"
marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity; "intimate friend"; "intimate relations between economics, politics, and legal principles" - V.L. Parrington
thoroughly acquainted through study or experience; "this girl, so intimate with nature"-W.H.Hudson; "knowledgeable about the technique of painting"- Herbert Read
involved in a sexual relationship; "the intimate (or sexual) relations between husband and wife"; "she had been intimate with many men"
give to understand; "I insinuated that I did not like his wife"
developed or executed with care and in minute detail; "a detailed plan"; "the elaborate register of the inhabitants prevented tax evasion"- John Buchan; "the carefully elaborated theme"