- angle,
- beat,
- beguile of,
- bilk,
- brew,
- bunco,
- burn,
- cabal,
- cheat,
- chisel,
- chouse,
- chouse out of,
- cog,
- cog the dice,
- collude,
- complot,
- con,
- concoct,
- connive,
- conspire,
- contrive,
- cook up,
- countermine,
- counterplot,
- cozen,
- crib,
- defraud,
- diddle,
- do in,
- do out of,
- engineer,
- euchre,
- finesse,
- flam,
- fleece,
- flimflam,
- fob,
- frame,
- frame up,
- fudge,
- gerrymander,
- gouge,
- gull,
- gyp,
- hatch,
- hatch a plot,
- hatch up,
- have,
- hocus,
- hocus-pocus,
- intrigue,
- jockey,
- lay a plot,
- machinate,
- maneuver,
- manipulate,
- mulct,
- operate,
- pack the deal,
- pigeon,
- play games,
- plot,
- practice fraud upon,
- pull strings,
- rig,
- rook,
- scam,
- scheme,
- screw,
- sell gold bricks,
- shave,
- shortchange,
- stack the cards,
- stick,
- sting,
- swindle,
- take a dive,
- thimblerig,
- throw a fight,
- victimize,
- wangle