Exact Match:
- fishing
- the act of someone who fishes as a diversion
- the occupation of catching fish for a living
- angling,
- casting,
- cynegetic,
- delving,
- digging,
- fishery,
- fly fishing,
- following,
- guddling,
- halieutic,
- harpooning,
- hunting,
- in full cry,
- in hot pursuit,
- in pursuit,
- in search of,
- jigging,
- loaded for bear,
- looking for,
- nosy,
- out for,
- out for bear,
- piscation,
- piscatorial,
- piscatory,
- poking,
- probing,
- prying,
- pursuant,
- pursuing,
- questing,
- rod and reel,
- searching,
- seeking,
- still-fishing,
- trawling,
- trolling,
- whaling