Exact Match:
- flay
- strip the skin off
- assail,
- attack,
- bark,
- berate,
- bleed,
- bleed white,
- blister,
- castigate,
- decorticate,
- defoliate,
- denude,
- deplume,
- despoil,
- dismember,
- displume,
- divest,
- drain,
- draw and quarter,
- dry,
- excoriate,
- exhaust,
- fleece,
- fustigate,
- impoverish,
- lacerate,
- lash,
- maim,
- mangle,
- milk,
- mutilate,
- pare,
- peel,
- pick clean,
- pick to pieces,
- pluck,
- pull apart,
- roast,
- scalp,
- scarify,
- scathe,
- scorch,
- scourge,
- shear,
- shred,
- skin,
- skin alive,
- slash,
- strip,
- strip bare,
- suck dry,
- take apart,
- tear apart,
- tear to pieces,
- tear to tatters,
- tongue-lash,
- trounce