Exact Match:
- fool
- a person who lacks good judgment
- make a fool or dupe of
- Columbine,
- Hanswurst,
- Harlequin,
- Pantalone,
- Pantaloon,
- Polichinelle,
- Pulcinella,
- Punch,
- Punchinello,
- Scaramouch,
- ament,
- apish,
- asinine,
- ass,
- babe,
- bamboozle,
- banter,
- batty,
- be foolish,
- be stupid,
- befool,
- befooled,
- beguiled,
- besotted,
- birdbrain,
- blockhead,
- bluff,
- bonehead,
- boob,
- booby,
- brainless,
- buffo,
- buffoon,
- buffoonish,
- busybody,
- butt,
- butt in,
- byword,
- byword of reproach,
- cavort,
- cheat,
- chouse,
- chucklehead,
- chump,
- cinch,
- clod,
- clodpate,
- clodpoll,
- clown,
- clown around,
- cockeyed,
- come-on,
- comedian,
- comedienne,
- comic,
- con,
- coquet,
- cozen,
- crazy,
- credulous,
- credulous person,
- cretin,
- cull,
- dabble,
- dabbler,
- daffy,
- daft,
- dally,
- dawdle,
- dazed,
- deceive,
- defraud,
- delude,
- derision,
- dilettante,
- dimwit,
- dizzy,
- dolt,
- donkey,
- doodle,
- dope,
- doting,
- droll,
- dumb,
- dumbbell,
- dummy,
- dunce,
- dupe,
- easy mark,
- easy pickings,
- entertainer,
- fair game,
- fake,
- fake out,
- fall guy,
- farceur,
- fatuitous,
- fatuous,
- featherbrain,
- featherhead,
- feign,
- fiddle,
- fiddle with,
- fiddle-faddle,
- fidget with,
- figure of fun,
- finger with,
- fish,
- flaky,
- fleece,
- flirt,
- fond,
- fool around,
- fool with,
- foolheaded,
- foolish,
- footle,
- fribble,
- frivol,
- frolic,
- fuddled,
- futile,
- gaga,
- gambol,
- game,
- gazingstock,
- get funny,
- git,
- go haywire,
- goat,
- gobe-mouches,
- goofy,
- goon,
- goose,
- greener,
- greenhorn,
- greeny,
- gudgeon,
- gull,
- gulled,
- half-wit,
- harlequin,
- hoax,
- hoodwink,
- horn in,
- horse around,
- humbug,
- idiot,
- idiotic,
- idle,
- ignoramus,
- illiterate,
- illiterati,
- imbecile,
- inane,
- inept,
- infatuated,
- innocent,
- insane,
- instrument,
- interfere,
- interlope,
- intermeddle,
- invite ridicule,
- jack-pudding,
- jackass,
- jay,
- jerk,
- jerk off,
- jest,
- jester,
- jestingstock,
- joke,
- joker,
- jokester,
- josh,
- kid,
- kid around,
- know-nothing,
- kooky,
- laughingstock,
- lead on,
- leadpipe cinch,
- loiter,
- loon,
- loony,
- loser,
- lowbrow,
- mad,
- madman,
- make,
- make believe,
- mark,
- maudlin,
- meddle with,
- merry-andrew,
- mess around,
- middlebrow,
- mislead,
- mockery,
- monkey,
- monkey around,
- monkey with,
- mooncalf,
- moron,
- moronic,
- motley,
- motley fool,
- mug,
- natural,
- nincompoop,
- ninny,
- ninnyhammer,
- nit,
- nitwit,
- no scholar,
- numskull,
- nutty,
- oaf,
- patsy,
- pickle-herring,
- piddle,
- pigeon,
- pinhead,
- play,
- play around,
- play the buffoon,
- play the fool,
- play with,
- plaything,
- pluck,
- poop,
- potter,
- pretend,
- prize sap,
- puddinghead,
- pushover,
- put one on,
- putter,
- rattlebrain,
- retard,
- romp,
- sap,
- saphead,
- sappy,
- scatterbrain,
- schlemiel,
- schmuck,
- screwy,
- senseless,
- sentimental,
- silly,
- simple,
- simpleton,
- sitting duck,
- smatter,
- snow,
- softhead,
- spoof,
- stock,
- stooge,
- string along,
- stupid,
- sucker,
- swindle,
- take in,
- tamper,
- tamper with,
- target,
- tease,
- tenderfoot,
- thoughtless,
- tinker,
- tomfool,
- tool,
- toy,
- toy with,
- trick,
- trifle,
- trifle with,
- trusting soul,
- twiddle,
- twist,
- twit,
- unintelligentsia,
- victim,
- wacky,
- wanton,
- wet,
- witless,
- zany