- apprehend,
- be imminent,
- betoken,
- bludgeon,
- bode,
- bulldoze,
- cast a horoscope,
- cast a nativity,
- comminate,
- croak,
- denounce,
- divine,
- dope,
- dope out,
- dowse for water,
- forecast,
- foresee,
- foreshadow,
- foreshow,
- foretell,
- foretoken,
- forewarn,
- fortune-tell,
- give advance notice,
- guess,
- hariolate,
- have a premonition,
- have a presentiment,
- intimidate,
- look black,
- look threatening,
- lower,
- make a prediction,
- make a prognosis,
- make a prophecy,
- menace,
- omen,
- portend,
- preapprehend,
- precaution,
- predict,
- prefigure,
- premonish,
- prenotify,
- presage,
- prewarn,
- prognosticate,
- promise,
- prophesy,
- read palms,
- read tea leaves,
- read the future,
- soothsay,
- speculate,
- tell fortunes,
- tell in advance,
- tell the future,
- threaten,
- utter threats against,
- vaticinate,
- warn