Exact Match:
- free hand
- freedom to do as you see fit; "many have doubts about giving him a free hand to attack"
- ample scope,
- bigheartedness,
- blank check,
- bounteousness,
- bountifulness,
- bounty,
- carte blanche,
- clearance,
- easy purse strings,
- elbowroom,
- field,
- free course,
- free play,
- free scope,
- freedom,
- freehandedness,
- freeheartedness,
- freeness,
- full authority,
- full power,
- full scope,
- full swing,
- generosity,
- generousness,
- givingness,
- graciousness,
- great heart,
- greatheartedness,
- hospitality,
- largeheartedness,
- largeness,
- largess,
- latitude,
- leeway,
- liberality,
- liberalness,
- long rope,
- magnanimity,
- maneuvering space,
- margin,
- munificence,
- no holds barred,
- open hand,
- open heart,
- open mandate,
- open space,
- openhandedness,
- openheartedness,
- play,
- range,
- room,
- rope,
- scope,
- sea room,
- space,
- swing,
- tolerance,
- unselfishness,
- way,
- welcome,
- wide berth