Exact Match:
- fundamental
- the lowest tone of a harmonic series
- being or involving basic facts or principles; "the fundamental laws of the universe"; "a fundamental incomatibility between them"; "these rudimentary truths"; "underlying principles"
- far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something; "the fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred"; "the book underwent fundamental changes"; "committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance"; "profound social changes"
- AF,
- ab ovo,
- abecedarian,
- aboriginal,
- antenatal,
- audio frequency,
- austere,
- autochthonous,
- axiom,
- bare,
- basal,
- base,
- basement,
- basic,
- basilar,
- basis,
- bearing wall,
- bed,
- bedding,
- bedrock,
- beginning,
- bench mark,
- bottom,
- budding,
- cardinal,
- cardinal point,
- center,
- central,
- chaste,
- chief thing,
- climax,
- component,
- constituent,
- constitutional,
- constitutive,
- core,
- cornerstone,
- creative,
- crisis,
- critical,
- critical point,
- crucial,
- crux,
- dominant,
- element,
- elemental,
- elementary,
- elements,
- elixir,
- embryonic,
- essence,
- essential,
- essential matter,
- factor,
- fetal,
- first,
- floor,
- flooring,
- flower,
- focal,
- focus,
- fond,
- footing,
- formative,
- foundation,
- foundational,
- frequency,
- fundament,
- fundamental tone,
- generative,
- genetic,
- germinal,
- gestatory,
- gist,
- grammar,
- gravamen,
- great point,
- ground,
- grounds,
- groundwork,
- gut,
- hardpan,
- harmonic,
- heart,
- high point,
- homely,
- homespun,
- homogeneous,
- hypostasis,
- important,
- important thing,
- in embryo,
- in its infancy,
- in ovo,
- in the bud,
- inaugural,
- inceptive,
- inchoate,
- inchoative,
- incipient,
- incunabular,
- indispensable,
- indivisible,
- infant,
- infantile,
- inherent,
- initial,
- initiative,
- initiatory,
- inner essence,
- intonation,
- intrinsic,
- introductory,
- inventive,
- irreducible,
- issue,
- kernel,
- keystone,
- landmark,
- law,
- life-and-death,
- life-or-death,
- main,
- main point,
- main thing,
- marrow,
- material,
- material point,
- meat,
- mere,
- milestone,
- monolithic,
- monotone,
- monotony,
- nascent,
- natal,
- necessary,
- needful,
- nub,
- nucleus,
- nuts and bolts,
- of a piece,
- of the essence,
- of vital importance,
- organic,
- original,
- overtone,
- paramount,
- part and parcel,
- partial,
- partial tone,
- parturient,
- pavement,
- pitch,
- pith,
- pivot,
- plain,
- postnatal,
- postulate,
- pregnant,
- prenatal,
- primal,
- primary,
- prime,
- primeval,
- primitive,
- primogenial,
- primordial,
- principal,
- principium,
- principle,
- principles,
- pristine,
- procreative,
- protogenic,
- pure,
- pure and simple,
- quid,
- quiddity,
- quintessence,
- quintessential,
- radical,
- real issue,
- requisite,
- riprap,
- rock bottom,
- rudiment,
- rudimental,
- rudimentary,
- rudiments,
- rule,
- salient point,
- sap,
- seat,
- seminal,
- severe,
- sill,
- simon-pure,
- simple,
- sine qua non,
- single,
- solid ground,
- solid rock,
- soul,
- spare,
- spirit,
- stark,
- stereobate,
- stuff,
- stylobate,
- substance,
- substantial,
- substantive,
- substantive point,
- substratum,
- substruction,
- substructure,
- terra firma,
- the bottom line,
- the nitty-gritty,
- the point,
- theorem,
- tone,
- tonelessness,
- turning point,
- unadorned,
- uncluttered,
- underbuilding,
- undercarriage,
- undergirding,
- underlying,
- underpinning,
- understruction,
- understructure,
- undifferenced,
- undifferentiated,
- uniform,
- ur,
- vital