Exact Match:
- gift
- something acquired without compensation
- Christmas present,
- ability,
- accomplishment,
- accord,
- acquirement,
- acuity,
- acuteness,
- administer,
- adroitness,
- afford,
- allot,
- allow,
- alms,
- an ear for,
- an eye for,
- aptitude,
- aptness,
- attainment,
- award,
- baksheesh,
- benefaction,
- benefit,
- benevolence,
- bent,
- bestow,
- bestow on,
- bestowal,
- birthday present,
- bonus,
- boon,
- bounty,
- box,
- braininess,
- brightness,
- brilliance,
- bump,
- cadeau,
- caliber,
- capability,
- capacity,
- capacity for,
- charity,
- chip in,
- clear thinking,
- cleverness,
- communicate,
- compliment,
- complimentariness,
- confer,
- contribute,
- contribute to,
- contribution,
- costlessness,
- deal,
- deal out,
- dexterity,
- dish out,
- dispense,
- dole,
- dole out,
- donate,
- donate to,
- donation,
- dower,
- dowry,
- endowment,
- equipment,
- esprit,
- expenselessness,
- extend,
- facility,
- faculty,
- fairing,
- favor,
- felicity,
- flair,
- fork out,
- forte,
- free ride,
- freebie,
- freeness,
- genius,
- genius for,
- gift for,
- gift with,
- giftedness,
- gifts,
- give,
- give freely,
- give out,
- give to,
- grant,
- gratuitousness,
- gratuity,
- hand out,
- hand-out,
- handsel,
- head,
- heap,
- help to,
- honorarium,
- impart,
- inclination,
- innate aptitude,
- instinct,
- issue,
- keen-wittedness,
- keenness,
- kick in,
- knack,
- labor of love,
- largess,
- largesse,
- lavish,
- leaning,
- legacy,
- let have,
- long suit,
- makings,
- mental alertness,
- mercurial mind,
- mete,
- mete out,
- metier,
- native cleverness,
- natural endowment,
- natural gift,
- nimble mind,
- nimble-wittedness,
- nimbleness,
- no charge,
- nose,
- nous,
- numen,
- oblation,
- offer,
- offering,
- parts,
- peace offering,
- pledge,
- potential,
- pour,
- pourboire,
- power,
- powers,
- premium,
- present,
- presentation,
- prize,
- proffer,
- propensity,
- qualification,
- quick parts,
- quick thinking,
- quick wit,
- quick-wittedness,
- quickness,
- rain,
- ready wit,
- remembrance,
- render,
- reward,
- savvy,
- serve,
- set,
- sharp-wittedness,
- sharpness,
- shell out,
- shower,
- slip,
- smartness,
- smarts,
- snow,
- souvenir,
- speciality,
- specialty,
- sprightly wit,
- strength,
- strong flair,
- strong point,
- subscribe,
- sweeten the kitty,
- talent,
- talents,
- tendency,
- tender,
- the goods,
- the stuff,
- tip,
- token,
- tribute,
- turn,
- turn for,
- vouchsafe,
- what it takes,
- white elephant,
- yield