Exact Match:
- glossary
- an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge; usually published as an appendix to a text on that field
- amplification,
- bilingual text,
- biographical dictionary,
- chemical dictionary,
- clavis,
- crib,
- decipherment,
- decoding,
- desk dictionary,
- dialect dictionary,
- dictionary,
- dictionary of quotations,
- electronics dictionary,
- etymological dictionary,
- faithful translation,
- foreign-language dictionary,
- free translation,
- gazetteer,
- general dictionary,
- geological dictionary,
- gloss,
- gradus,
- interlinear,
- interlinear translation,
- key,
- lexicon,
- loose translation,
- metaphrase,
- nomenclator,
- onomasticon,
- paraphrase,
- phrase book,
- polyglot dictionary,
- pony,
- promptorium,
- restatement,
- rewording,
- rhyming dictionary,
- science dictionary,
- slang dictionary,
- specialized dictionary,
- synonym dictionary,
- synonymy,
- terminology,
- thesaurus,
- transcription,
- translation,
- transliteration,
- treasury of words,
- trot,
- unabridged dictionary,
- vocabulary,
- word list,
- wordbook