Exact Match:
- grapevine
- gossip spread by spoken communication; "the news of their affair was spread by word of mouth"
- adviser,
- algae,
- announcer,
- annunciator,
- authority,
- autophyte,
- bean,
- bracken,
- brown algae,
- bruit,
- bush telegraph,
- buzz,
- canard,
- channel,
- climber,
- common talk,
- communicant,
- communicator,
- conferva,
- confervoid,
- creeper,
- cry,
- diatom,
- enlightener,
- expert witness,
- fern,
- flying rumor,
- fruits and vegetables,
- fucus,
- fungus,
- gossip,
- gossipmonger,
- grapevine telegraph,
- green algae,
- gulfweed,
- hearsay,
- herb,
- heterophyte,
- idea afloat,
- informant,
- information center,
- information medium,
- informer,
- interviewee,
- ivy,
- kelp,
- latrine rumor,
- legume,
- lentil,
- liana,
- lichen,
- liverwort,
- mold,
- monitor,
- moss,
- mouthpiece,
- mushroom,
- news stirring,
- newsmonger,
- notifier,
- on-dit,
- parasite,
- parasitic plant,
- pea,
- perthophyte,
- phytoplankton,
- pipeline,
- planktonic algae,
- plant families,
- press,
- public relations officer,
- publisher,
- puffball,
- pulse,
- radio,
- red algae,
- report,
- reporter,
- rockweed,
- roorback,
- rumble,
- rumor,
- rust,
- saprophyte,
- sargasso,
- sargassum,
- scuttlebutt,
- sea lentil,
- sea moss,
- sea wrack,
- seaweed,
- smut,
- source,
- spokesman,
- succulent,
- talk,
- television,
- teller,
- tipster,
- toadstool,
- tout,
- town talk,
- unconfirmed report,
- vetch,
- vine,
- whisper,
- witness,
- wort,
- wrack