Exact Match:
- grass
- German writer of novels and poetry and plays (born 1927)
- narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay
- shoot down, of birds
- feed with grass
- cover with grass
- spread out clothes on the grass to let it dry and bleach
- cover with grass; "The owners decided to grass their property"
- Bengal grass,
- DET,
- DMT,
- English rye grass,
- Italian rye grass,
- Kentucky bluegrass,
- LSD,
- Mary Jane,
- STP,
- THC,
- acid,
- aftergrass,
- alfilaria,
- antidepressant,
- ataractic,
- bamboo,
- barley,
- beach grass,
- beard grass,
- bent,
- bent grass,
- betray,
- black bent,
- bluegrass,
- board,
- bog grass,
- boo,
- bread,
- buckwheat,
- buffalo grass,
- bulrush,
- bunch grass,
- campo,
- canary grass,
- cane,
- cannabis,
- cereal,
- cereal plant,
- corn,
- cotton grass,
- crab grass,
- diethyltryptamine,
- dimethyltryptamine,
- dine,
- farinaceous plant,
- feather grass,
- feed,
- flyaway grass,
- fodder,
- fog,
- forage,
- forage grass,
- four-leaved grass,
- gage,
- ganja,
- give away,
- grain,
- graminaceous plant,
- grass veld,
- grasses,
- grassland,
- gratify,
- graze,
- grazing,
- hallucinogen,
- hash,
- hashish,
- hassock grass,
- haugh,
- haughland,
- hay,
- hemp,
- horsetail,
- inform,
- informer,
- joint,
- kava,
- lawn grass,
- lea,
- little quaking grass,
- llano,
- lovegrass,
- maize,
- marijuana,
- mead,
- meadow,
- meadow fescue,
- meadow foxtail,
- meadow grass,
- meadow land,
- meat,
- mescal,
- mescal bean,
- mescal button,
- mescaline,
- mess,
- millet,
- mind-altering drug,
- mind-blowing drug,
- mind-expanding drug,
- morning glory seeds,
- myrtle grass,
- nark,
- oats,
- ornamental grass,
- paddy,
- palm-leaved grass,
- pampa,
- pampas,
- pampas grass,
- papyrus,
- park,
- pasturage,
- pasture,
- pasture land,
- peach,
- peppergrass,
- peyote,
- pot,
- prairie,
- provision,
- psilocin,
- psilocybin,
- psychedelic,
- psychic energizer,
- psychoactive drug,
- psychochemical,
- psychotomimetic,
- range,
- rat,
- reed,
- reefer,
- regale,
- ribbon grass,
- rice,
- roach,
- rush,
- rye,
- satisfy,
- savanna,
- scutch,
- sedge,
- sell out,
- sesame,
- sesame grass,
- snitch,
- sorghum,
- squeak,
- squeal,
- squealer,
- steppe,
- steppeland,
- stick,
- stoolie,
- striped grass,
- sugar cane,
- sustain,
- swale,
- switch grass,
- sword grass,
- tattle,
- tea,
- traitor,
- tranquilizer,
- tufted hair grass,
- vega,
- veld,
- weed,
- wheat,
- wild oats,
- wine and dine,
- wire grass,
- woolly beard grass,
- worm grass,
- zebra grass,
- zoysia