Exact Match:
- grassland
- land where grass or grasslike vegetation grows and is the dominant form of plant life
- acres,
- agricultural region,
- alkali flat,
- alluvial plain,
- alluvion,
- alluvium,
- arable land,
- barnyard,
- barton,
- basin,
- black belt,
- bottomland,
- bushveld,
- campo,
- cattle ranch,
- champaign,
- champaign country,
- chicken farm,
- citrus belt,
- clay,
- clod,
- coastal plain,
- collective farm,
- corn belt,
- cotton belt,
- cotton plantation,
- countryside,
- croft,
- crust,
- dairy farm,
- delta,
- demesne,
- demesne farm,
- desert,
- dirt,
- down,
- downs,
- dry farm,
- dry land,
- dude ranch,
- dust,
- dust bowl,
- earth,
- factory farm,
- fallow,
- farm,
- farm belt,
- farm country,
- farmery,
- farmhold,
- farmland,
- farmplace,
- farmstead,
- farmyard,
- fell,
- flat,
- flat country,
- flatland,
- flats,
- freehold,
- fruit belt,
- fruit farm,
- fur farm,
- glebe,
- grain farm,
- grange,
- grass,
- grass roots,
- grass veld,
- grazing,
- grazing region,
- ground,
- hacienda,
- haugh,
- haughland,
- heath,
- highlands,
- homecroft,
- homefarm,
- homestead,
- kibbutz,
- kolkhoz,
- land,
- lande,
- landholdings,
- lea,
- level,
- lithosphere,
- llano,
- location,
- lowland,
- lowlands,
- lunar mare,
- mains,
- manor farm,
- mare,
- marginal land,
- marl,
- mead,
- meadow,
- meadow land,
- meadows and pastures,
- mesa,
- mesilla,
- mold,
- moor,
- moorland,
- moors,
- open country,
- orchard,
- pampa,
- pampas,
- park,
- pasturage,
- pasture,
- pasture land,
- pen,
- peneplain,
- plain,
- plains,
- plantation,
- plateau,
- playa,
- poultry farm,
- prairie,
- prairies,
- province,
- provinces,
- ranch,
- rancheria,
- rancho,
- range,
- real estate,
- real property,
- region,
- regolith,
- rural district,
- rustic region,
- salt flat,
- salt marsh,
- salt pan,
- savanna,
- sebkha,
- sheep farm,
- sod,
- soil,
- station,
- steading,
- steppe,
- steppeland,
- steppes,
- stock farm,
- subaerial deposit,
- subsoil,
- swale,
- table,
- tableland,
- terra,
- terra firma,
- terrain,
- territory,
- the country,
- the soil,
- the sticks,
- tobacco belt,
- toft,
- topsoil,
- tree veld,
- truck farm,
- tundra,
- upland,
- uplands,
- vega,
- veld,
- weald,
- wheat belt,
- wide-open spaces,
- wold,
- woodland,
- woods and fields,
- yokeldom