bearing in mind; attentive to; "ever mindful of her health"; "mindful of his responsibilities"; "mindful of these criticisms, I shall attempt to justify my action"
uncertainty about the truth or factuality of existence of something; "the dubiousness of his claim"; "there is no question about the validity of the enterprise"
the state of being unsure of something
consider unlikely or have doubts about; "I doubt that she will accept his proposal of marriage"
lack confidence in or have doubts about; "I doubt these reports"; "I suspect her true motives"; "she distrusts her stepmother"
move to and fro; "The shy student lingered in the corner"
be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action; "He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement"
disposed to avoid notice; "they considered themselves a tough outfit and weren't bashful about letting anybody know it"; (`blate' is a Scottish term for bashful)
self-consciously timid; "I never laughed, being bashful; lowering my head, I looked at the wall"- Ezra Pound
freedom of choice; "liberty of opinion"; "liberty of worship"; "liberty--perfect liberty--to think or feel or do just as one pleases"; "at liberty to choose whatever occupation one wishes"
personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression