Exact Match:
- hesitate
- pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness; "Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures"
- interrupt temporarily an activity before continuing; "The speaker paused"
- alternate,
- back down,
- balance,
- balk,
- be dilatory,
- blench,
- boggle,
- call a recess,
- debate,
- delay,
- deliberate,
- demur,
- dither,
- equivocate,
- falter,
- fear,
- fight shy of,
- filibuster,
- flinch,
- fluctuate,
- fumble,
- gain time,
- halt,
- hang,
- hang back,
- hang fire,
- hang in doubt,
- hang off,
- have qualms,
- haver,
- haw,
- hem,
- hem and haw,
- hold back,
- hold off,
- hover,
- hum,
- hum and haw,
- jib,
- let up,
- make bones about,
- make time,
- mammer,
- pause,
- play for time,
- ponder,
- procrastinate,
- pull back,
- quail,
- recess,
- recoil,
- rest,
- retreat,
- scruple,
- shilly-shally,
- shrink,
- shrink from,
- shy,
- shy at,
- splutter,
- sputter,
- stall,
- stall for time,
- stall off,
- stammer,
- stick at,
- stickle,
- stooge around,
- stop to consider,
- straddle the fence,
- strain,
- strain at,
- stumble,
- stutter,
- take a recess,
- talk against time,
- temporize,
- tergiversate,
- think twice,
- think twice about,
- vacillate,
- wait,
- waver,
- wince,
- withdraw,
- yield