Exact Match:
- horse
- solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times
- a padded gymnastic apparatus on legs
- provide with a horse or horses
- Al Borak,
- American trotter,
- Amytal,
- Amytal pill,
- Angora goat,
- Appaloosa,
- Arabian,
- Arctic fox,
- Barb,
- Barbary horse,
- Belgian,
- Belgian hare,
- Black Beauty,
- Caffre cat,
- Citation,
- Cleveland Bay,
- Demerol,
- Dolophine,
- French coach horse,
- Galloway,
- Gibraltar,
- H,
- Hambletonian,
- Houyhnhnm,
- Indian buffalo,
- Indian club,
- Kelso,
- Kodiak bear,
- Luminal,
- Luminal pill,
- M,
- Mickey Finn,
- Nashua,
- Native Dancer,
- Nembutal,
- Nembutal pill,
- Pegasus,
- Rosinante,
- Seconal,
- Seconal pill,
- Secretariat,
- Shetland,
- Shetland pony,
- Shire,
- Siberian husky,
- Silver,
- Suffolk,
- Swaps,
- Topper,
- Tuinal,
- Tuinal pill,
- Turk,
- Virginia deer,
- Whirlaway,
- White Surrey,
- aardvark,
- aardwolf,
- act up,
- alcohol,
- alpaca,
- amobarbital sodium,
- analgesic,
- anodyne,
- anteater,
- antelope,
- antelope chipmunk,
- aoudad,
- apar,
- armadillo,
- ass,
- aurochs,
- badger,
- bandicoot,
- barb,
- barbell,
- barbiturate,
- barbiturate pill,
- bassarisk,
- bat,
- bear,
- beast of burden,
- beaver,
- bettong,
- binturong,
- bison,
- black bear,
- black buck,
- black cat,
- black fox,
- black sheep,
- black stuff,
- blue,
- blue angel,
- blue devil,
- blue fox,
- blue heaven,
- blue velvet,
- bobcat,
- brood mare,
- brown bear,
- brush deer,
- brush wolf,
- buck,
- buffalo,
- buffalo wolf,
- burro,
- burro deer,
- cachalot,
- calmative,
- camel,
- camelopard,
- capybara,
- carabao,
- caribou,
- carpincho,
- carry on,
- cat,
- cat-a-mountain,
- catamount,
- cattalo,
- cavy,
- chamois,
- charger,
- cheetah,
- chevrotain,
- chinchilla,
- chipmunk,
- chloral hydrate,
- cinnamon bear,
- clotheshorse,
- codeine,
- codeine cough syrup,
- colt,
- coon,
- coon cat,
- cotton mouse,
- cotton rat,
- cougar,
- courser,
- cow,
- coyote,
- coypu,
- critter,
- cut up,
- deer,
- deer tiger,
- depressant,
- depressor,
- dingo,
- dobbin,
- dog,
- dolly,
- donkey,
- dormouse,
- downer,
- draft animal,
- dromedary,
- dumbbell,
- echidna,
- eland,
- elephant,
- elk,
- entire,
- entire horse,
- equine,
- ermine,
- exerciser,
- eyra,
- fallow deer,
- ferret,
- field mouse,
- filly,
- fisher,
- fitch,
- flying phalanger,
- foal,
- foumart,
- fox,
- fox squirrel,
- gazelle,
- gelding,
- gemsbok,
- genet,
- giraffe,
- glutton,
- gnu,
- gnu goat,
- goat,
- goat antelope,
- goofball,
- gopher,
- grizzly bear,
- ground squirrel,
- groundhog,
- guanaco,
- guinea pig,
- hamster,
- hard stuff,
- hare,
- harnessed antelope,
- hartebeest,
- heart of oak,
- hedgehog,
- heroin,
- hippopotamus,
- hog,
- hop,
- horse,
- horseplay,
- husky,
- hyena,
- hypnotic,
- hyrax,
- ibex,
- iron,
- jackal,
- jackass,
- jackrabbit,
- jaguar,
- jaguarundi,
- jennet,
- jerboa,
- jerboa kangaroo,
- junk,
- kaama,
- kangaroo,
- kangaroo mouse,
- kangaroo rat,
- karakul,
- kinkajou,
- kit fox,
- knockout drops,
- koala,
- lapin,
- laudanum,
- lemming,
- leopard,
- leopard cat,
- lion,
- liquor,
- llama,
- long horse,
- lotus,
- lynx,
- malamute,
- mammoth,
- mara,
- mare,
- marmot,
- marten,
- mastodon,
- meerkat,
- meperidine,
- methadone,
- mink,
- mole,
- mongoose,
- moose,
- morphia,
- morphine,
- mouflon,
- mount,
- mountain goat,
- mountain lion,
- mountain sheep,
- mouse,
- mule,
- mule deer,
- muntjac,
- musk deer,
- musk hog,
- musk-ox,
- muskrat,
- musquash,
- nag,
- nails,
- narcotic,
- nilgai,
- nutria,
- oak,
- ocelot,
- okapi,
- onager,
- oont,
- opiate,
- opium,
- opossum,
- otter,
- ounce,
- ox,
- pacifier,
- pack horse,
- pack rat,
- pain killer,
- painter,
- palomino,
- panda,
- pangolin,
- panther,
- parallel bars,
- paregoric,
- peccary,
- peludo,
- pen yan,
- phalanger,
- phenobarbital,
- phenobarbital sodium,
- pig,
- pine mouse,
- platypus,
- pocket gopher,
- pocket mouse,
- pocket rat,
- polar bear,
- polar fox,
- polecat,
- porcupine,
- possum,
- pouched rat,
- poyou,
- prairie dog,
- prairie wolf,
- prancer,
- pronghorn,
- puma,
- punching bag,
- purple heart,
- quarter horse,
- quietener,
- rabbit,
- raccoon,
- rainbow,
- rat,
- red,
- red deer,
- red squirrel,
- reindeer,
- rhinoceros,
- rings,
- rock,
- roe,
- roe deer,
- roebuck,
- rowing machine,
- sable,
- saddle horse,
- sawbuck,
- sawhorse,
- scag,
- secobarbital sodium,
- sedative,
- serval,
- sheep,
- shit,
- shrew,
- shrew mole,
- side horse,
- sika,
- silver fox,
- skunk,
- sledge dog,
- sleep-inducer,
- sleeper,
- sleeping draught,
- sleeping pill,
- smack,
- snowshoe rabbit,
- sodium thiopental,
- somnifacient,
- soother,
- soothing syrup,
- soporific,
- springbok,
- squirrel,
- stallion,
- steed,
- steel,
- stoat,
- stud,
- studhorse,
- sumpter,
- sumpter horse,
- sumpter mule,
- suslik,
- swamp rabbit,
- swine,
- takin,
- tamandua,
- tamarin,
- tapir,
- tar,
- tarpan,
- tatou,
- tatou peba,
- tatouay,
- thoroughbred,
- tiger,
- tiger cat,
- timber wolf,
- top horse,
- trampoline,
- tranquilizer,
- trapeze,
- tree shrew,
- trestle,
- trestle and table,
- trestle board,
- trestle table,
- trestlework,
- trestling,
- turps,
- urus,
- vole,
- wallaby,
- war-horse,
- warthog,
- water buffalo,
- waterbuck,
- weasel,
- weight,
- wharf rat,
- whistler,
- white fox,
- white stuff,
- wild ass,
- wild boar,
- wild goat,
- wild horse,
- wild ox,
- wildcat,
- wildebeest,
- wolf,
- wolverine,
- wombat,
- wood rat,
- woodchuck,
- woolly mammoth,
- workhorse,
- yak,
- yellow,
- yellow jacket,
- zebra,
- zebu,
- zoril