Exact Match:
- hurdle
- a light movable barrier that competitors must leap over in certain races
- an obstacle that you are expected to overcome; "the last hurdle before graduation"
- jump a hurdle
- Highland fling,
- and jump,
- bar,
- barrier,
- block,
- blockade,
- bottleneck,
- bounce,
- bound,
- broad jump,
- buck,
- buckjump,
- capriole,
- catch,
- check,
- clear,
- complication,
- conquer,
- cordon,
- curtain,
- curvet,
- demivolt,
- determent,
- deterrent,
- difficulty,
- down,
- drawback,
- flying jump,
- galliard,
- gelandesprung,
- grand jete,
- hamper,
- handicap,
- handspring,
- hang-up,
- hazard,
- high jump,
- hindrance,
- hippety-hop,
- hitch,
- hop,
- impediment,
- interference,
- jete,
- jig,
- joker,
- jump,
- jump over,
- jump shot,
- jump turn,
- jump-hop,
- jump-off,
- lavolta,
- leap,
- leap over,
- leapfrog,
- lick,
- long jump,
- lop,
- master,
- morris,
- mountain,
- negotiate,
- objection,
- obstacle,
- obstruction,
- obstructive,
- one small difficulty,
- over,
- overjump,
- overleap,
- overskip,
- pole vault,
- pounce,
- pounce on,
- pounce upon,
- restraint,
- rub,
- running broad jump,
- running high jump,
- saut de basque,
- ski jump,
- skip,
- snag,
- spring,
- start,
- start aside,
- start up,
- steeplechase,
- stumbling block,
- stumbling stone,
- surmount,
- throw,
- tour jete,
- traverse,
- updive,
- upleap,
- upspring,
- vault