Exact Match:
- impression
- the act of pressing one thing on or into the surface of another; "he watched the impression of the seal on the hot wax"
- an impressionistic portrayal of a person; "he did a funny impression of a politician"
- (dentistry) an imprint of the teeth and gums in wax or plaster; "the dentist took an impression for use in preparing an inlay"
- an outward appearance; "he made a good impression"; "I wanted to create an impression of success"; "she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting"
- a vague idea in which some confidence is placed; "his impression of her was favorable"; "what are your feelings about the crisis?"; "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity"; "I had a feeling that she was lying"
- all the copies of a work printed at one time; "they ran off an initial printing of 2000 copies"
- Ditto copy,
- Photostat,
- Platonic form,
- Platonic idea,
- Xerox,
- Xerox copy,
- absorption and regurgitation,
- aesthetic form,
- affect,
- affection,
- alveolation,
- alveolus,
- angle,
- apprehension,
- aquatint,
- archetype,
- aroma,
- art form,
- aspect,
- assumption,
- attitude,
- attribute,
- autolithograph,
- awareness,
- back number,
- backlash,
- backwash,
- badge,
- bare suggestion,
- belief,
- block,
- block print,
- boss,
- brainwashing,
- brand,
- build,
- bump,
- cachet,
- cameo,
- cast,
- catalog,
- cataloging,
- catechization,
- character,
- character sketch,
- characteristic,
- characterization,
- chromolithograph,
- climate of opinion,
- clout,
- collection,
- colophon,
- color print,
- common belief,
- community sentiment,
- concavity,
- conceit,
- concept,
- conception,
- conclusion,
- conditioning,
- configuration,
- conformation,
- consciousness,
- consensus gentium,
- consideration,
- contact print,
- convexity,
- copperplate,
- copperplate print,
- copy,
- copying,
- counterfeiting,
- crayon engraving,
- cut,
- dactylogram,
- dactylograph,
- delineation,
- dent,
- depiction,
- depression,
- description,
- details,
- dictation,
- differentia,
- differential,
- dimple,
- dint,
- distinctive feature,
- earmark,
- edition,
- effect,
- eidolon,
- embossment,
- emotion,
- emotional charge,
- emotional shade,
- emulation,
- engravement,
- engraving,
- enlargement,
- estimate,
- estimation,
- etching,
- ethos,
- evocation,
- excrescence,
- experience,
- eye,
- facet,
- fakery,
- fancy,
- fashion,
- feature,
- feeling,
- feeling tone,
- figuration,
- figure,
- fingerprint,
- flavor,
- following,
- footmark,
- footprint,
- footstep,
- force,
- foreboding,
- forefeeling,
- forgery,
- form,
- format,
- formation,
- fossil footprint,
- frame,
- funny feeling,
- furrow,
- general belief,
- genre,
- gestalt,
- gouge,
- graphic account,
- graphotype,
- guise,
- gust,
- gut reaction,
- half an idea,
- hallmark,
- hazy idea,
- heartthrob,
- hectograph copy,
- hint,
- hit-off,
- hollow,
- hollowness,
- honeycomb,
- hunch,
- ichnite,
- ichnolite,
- idea,
- idiocrasy,
- idiosyncrasy,
- image,
- imagery,
- imago,
- imbuement,
- imitation,
- impact,
- impersonation,
- implantation,
- imposture,
- impregnation,
- impress,
- impressible,
- impressionable,
- imprint,
- inculcation,
- incurvation,
- incurvature,
- incurvity,
- indent,
- indentation,
- indention,
- indenture,
- index,
- individualism,
- indoctrination,
- infixation,
- infixion,
- influence,
- influenceable,
- infusion,
- inkling,
- inner form,
- inoculation,
- instillation,
- instillment,
- intellection,
- intellectual object,
- intimation,
- intuition,
- intuitive impression,
- issue,
- itemization,
- judgment,
- keynote,
- layout,
- letterpress,
- library,
- library edition,
- light,
- lights,
- likeness,
- limning,
- lineaments,
- linoleum-block print,
- lithograph,
- look,
- lump,
- mackle,
- make,
- makeup,
- manner,
- mannerism,
- mark,
- marking,
- matrix,
- memory-trace,
- mental image,
- mental impression,
- mere notion,
- mezzotint,
- mimeograph copy,
- mimesis,
- mind,
- mirroring,
- modality,
- mode,
- model,
- mold,
- mystique,
- nature,
- negative,
- notch,
- notion,
- number,
- observation,
- odor,
- offcut,
- offprint,
- offset,
- onomatopoeia,
- opinion,
- pad,
- parody,
- particularity,
- particularization,
- passion,
- pattern,
- paw print,
- pawmark,
- peculiarity,
- perception,
- personal judgment,
- phase,
- phasis,
- photocopy,
- photograph,
- photostatic copy,
- picture,
- pimple,
- pit,
- plagiarism,
- plagiary,
- pock,
- pockmark,
- point of view,
- popular belief,
- portrait,
- portraiture,
- portrayal,
- position,
- positive,
- posture,
- preapprehension,
- premonition,
- presentiment,
- presumption,
- prevailing belief,
- print,
- printing,
- profile,
- profound sense,
- proof,
- property,
- prototype,
- public belief,
- public opinion,
- pug,
- pugmark,
- quality,
- quirk,
- reaction,
- recept,
- recoil,
- reference,
- reflection,
- reflex,
- regard,
- reindoctrination,
- reissue,
- rendering,
- rendition,
- repercussion,
- repetition,
- representation,
- reprint,
- reprinting,
- respect,
- response,
- responsive,
- rubber-block print,
- run,
- satire,
- savor,
- school edition,
- seal,
- seeming,
- semblance,
- sensation,
- sense,
- sensible,
- sensile,
- sensitive,
- sentiment,
- series,
- set,
- setoff,
- shape,
- side,
- sight,
- sigil,
- sign,
- signet,
- significant form,
- simulacrum,
- simulation,
- singularity,
- sketch,
- slant,
- smack,
- sneaking suspicion,
- specialty,
- specification,
- stamp,
- stance,
- stat,
- step,
- structure,
- stud,
- style,
- suggestion,
- sunken part,
- supposition,
- susceptible,
- susceptive,
- suspicion,
- taint,
- take-off,
- takeoff,
- tang,
- taste,
- theory,
- thinking,
- thought,
- thumbmark,
- thumbprint,
- token,
- total effect,
- trace,
- track,
- trade book,
- trade edition,
- trait,
- trick,
- turn,
- twist,
- type,
- undercurrent,
- vague feeling,
- vague idea,
- vestige,
- view,
- viewpoint,
- vignette,
- vivid description,
- volume,
- way of thinking,
- wise,
- wood engraving,
- woodblock,
- woodcut,
- woodprint,
- word painting,
- xylograph