Exact Match:
- infallible
- incapable of failure or error; "an infallible antidote"; "an infallible memory"; "the Catholic Church considers the Pope infallible"; "no doctor is infallible"
- absolute,
- acceptable,
- agreeable,
- beyond all praise,
- certain,
- chaste,
- close,
- constant,
- correct,
- defectless,
- delicate,
- dependable,
- direct,
- effective,
- efficacious,
- efficient,
- even,
- exact,
- express,
- faithful,
- faultless,
- fine,
- flawless,
- foolproof,
- handy,
- helpful,
- ideal,
- immaculate,
- impeccable,
- indefectible,
- indefective,
- inerrable,
- inerrant,
- irreproachable,
- just right,
- mathematical,
- micrometrically precise,
- microscopic,
- nice,
- oracular,
- peerless,
- perfect,
- pinpoint,
- precise,
- pure,
- refined,
- reliable,
- religious,
- religiously exact,
- rigid,
- rigorous,
- satisfactory,
- satisfying,
- scientific,
- scientifically exact,
- secure,
- severe,
- sinless,
- spotless,
- square,
- stainless,
- strict,
- subtle,
- sure,
- surefire,
- taintless,
- unadulterated,
- unblemished,
- uncontaminated,
- undeceivable,
- undeviating,
- unerring,
- unfailing,
- unfaultable,
- unmistaken,
- unmixed,
- unspotted,
- untainted,
- useful