Exact Match:
- inspire
- supply the inspiration for; "The article about the artist inspired the exhibition of his recent work"
- heighten or intensify; "These paintings exalt the imagination"
- activate,
- actuate,
- affect,
- affirm,
- afford hope,
- animate,
- arouse,
- aspirate,
- assure,
- augur well,
- awaken,
- bid fair,
- blow,
- bolster,
- boost,
- brace up,
- breathe,
- breathe hard,
- breathe in,
- breathe out,
- brighten,
- bring,
- bring about,
- bring on,
- buck up,
- buoy up,
- buttress,
- call forth,
- call up,
- carry,
- cause,
- cheer,
- confirm,
- contrive,
- cough,
- draw down,
- draw in,
- draw on,
- effect,
- elicit,
- embolden,
- embue,
- encourage,
- endow,
- endue,
- energize,
- enliven,
- evoke,
- exalt,
- excite,
- exhale,
- exhaust,
- exhilarate,
- expel,
- expire,
- fire,
- fortify,
- galvanize,
- gasp,
- get,
- give a lift,
- give hope,
- gladden,
- gulp,
- hack,
- have good prospects,
- hearten,
- hiccup,
- hold out hope,
- hold out promise,
- huff,
- imbue,
- impress,
- induce,
- infect,
- influence,
- inform,
- infuse,
- inhale,
- inject,
- inoculate,
- inspire hope,
- inspirit,
- instigate,
- invigorate,
- justify hope,
- kindle,
- lead,
- liven,
- make fair promise,
- motivate,
- move,
- muster up,
- nerve,
- obtain,
- pant,
- pick up,
- procure,
- promise,
- prompt,
- provoke,
- puff,
- quicken,
- raise expectations,
- raise hope,
- rally,
- reassure,
- reinforce,
- rejoice,
- rejoice the heart,
- respire,
- rouse,
- set up,
- sigh,
- slurp,
- sneeze,
- sniff,
- sniffle,
- snore,
- snort,
- snuff,
- snuff in,
- snuffle,
- spirit,
- spirit up,
- stimulate,
- stir,
- strengthen,
- strike,
- suck,
- suck in,
- suckle,
- summon up,
- superinduce,
- support,
- sway,
- touch,
- uplift,
- vitalize,
- vivify,
- waken,
- wheeze