Exact Match:
- interfere
- come between so as to be hindrance or obstacle; "Your talking interferes with my work!"
- antagonize,
- arrest,
- baffle,
- balk,
- bar,
- barge in,
- be antipathetic,
- be inimical,
- beat against,
- block,
- bottle up,
- break in,
- break in upon,
- burst in,
- busybody,
- butt in,
- charge in,
- check,
- clash,
- collide,
- come between,
- conflict,
- conflict with,
- confute,
- contradict,
- contrapose,
- contravene,
- counter,
- counteract,
- counterattack,
- countercheck,
- counterpose,
- countervail,
- counterwork,
- crash,
- crash in,
- crash the gates,
- creep in,
- cross,
- crowd in,
- curb,
- cut in,
- dam up,
- damp,
- dampen,
- delay,
- detain,
- discommode,
- edge in,
- elbow in,
- encroach,
- encumber,
- entrench,
- foil,
- foist in,
- fool,
- frustrate,
- go against,
- go counter to,
- hamper,
- handicap,
- hinder,
- hold back,
- hold in check,
- hold up,
- horn in,
- impede,
- impinge,
- impose,
- impose on,
- impose upon,
- incommode,
- inconvenience,
- infiltrate,
- infringe,
- inhibit,
- insinuate,
- intercede,
- intercept,
- interfere with,
- interlope,
- intermeddle,
- intermediate,
- interpose,
- interrupt,
- intervene,
- intrude,
- invade,
- irrupt,
- keep back,
- keep in check,
- kibitz,
- lock horns,
- make,
- meddle,
- mediate,
- meet head-on,
- militate against,
- monkey with,
- obstruct,
- obtrude,
- oppose,
- oppugn,
- press in,
- push in,
- put on,
- put upon,
- repress,
- resist,
- restrain,
- retard,
- run against,
- run counter to,
- rush in,
- sabotage,
- scotch,
- set back,
- slacken,
- slink in,
- slip in,
- slow,
- smash in,
- sneak in,
- snub,
- squeeze in,
- steal in,
- step in,
- storm in,
- subvert,
- suppress,
- swim upstream,
- tamper with,
- throng in,
- thrust in,
- thwart,
- trammel,
- trench,
- trespass,
- trouble,
- work against,
- work in,
- worm in