Exact Match:
- invocation
- the act of appealing for help
- an incantation used in conjuring or summoning a devil
- a prayer asking God's help as part of a religious service
- Angelus,
- Ave,
- Ave Maria,
- Hail Mary,
- Kyrie Eleison,
- Paternoster,
- adjuration,
- agape,
- aid prayer,
- appeal,
- asperges,
- aspersion,
- auricular confession,
- bar mitzvah,
- bas mitzvah,
- beadroll,
- beads,
- beck,
- beck and call,
- benedicite,
- benediction,
- benison,
- beseechment,
- bid,
- bidding,
- bidding prayer,
- blessing,
- breviary,
- call,
- calling,
- calling forth,
- celebration,
- chaplet,
- circumcision,
- clamor,
- collect,
- communion,
- confession,
- confirmation,
- conjuration,
- conjurement,
- contemplation,
- convocation,
- cry,
- devotions,
- entreaty,
- evocation,
- exorcisation,
- exorcism,
- exsufflation,
- grace,
- high celebration,
- impetration,
- imploration,
- imploring,
- imprecation,
- incantation,
- incense,
- indent,
- intercession,
- invocation of saints,
- invocatory plea,
- kiss of peace,
- lesser litany,
- litany,
- love feast,
- lustration,
- meditation,
- nod,
- obsecration,
- obtestation,
- orison,
- pax,
- petition,
- plea,
- prayer,
- prayer wheel,
- preconization,
- processional,
- reciting the rosary,
- requisition,
- rogation,
- rosary,
- silent prayer,
- suit,
- summons,
- supplication,
- telling of beads,
- thanks,
- thanksgiving,
- the confessional,
- the confessionary