Exact Match:
- involvement
- a connection of inclusion or containment; "he escaped involvement in the accident"; "there was additional involvement of the liver and spleen"
- absorbed attention,
- absorption,
- application,
- arraignability,
- arraignableness,
- assault,
- association,
- assumption,
- attack,
- bias,
- blameworthiness,
- bloody hands,
- burden,
- caring,
- censurability,
- censurableness,
- censure,
- chargeability,
- chord,
- cincture,
- circling,
- circumambience,
- circumambiency,
- circumcincture,
- circumflexion,
- circumjacence,
- circumposition,
- citation,
- cochairmanship,
- complexity,
- complexness,
- complication,
- complicity,
- concentration,
- concern,
- condominium,
- containment,
- contemplation,
- contribution,
- convolution,
- copartnership,
- copartnery,
- cotenancy,
- crabbedness,
- criminality,
- culpability,
- deep study,
- deep thought,
- dirty hands,
- discrimination,
- echo,
- embracement,
- embroilment,
- empathy,
- encincture,
- encirclement,
- enclosure,
- encompassment,
- enfoldment,
- engagement,
- engrossment,
- enmeshment,
- entailment,
- entanglement,
- envelopment,
- environment,
- favoritism,
- fellow feeling,
- girding,
- girdling,
- guilt,
- guiltiness,
- guilty conscience,
- having a part,
- identification,
- immersion,
- impeachability,
- impeachableness,
- implication,
- impugnment,
- inclination,
- inclusion,
- incrimination,
- inculpation,
- indictability,
- indictableness,
- inequality,
- intentness,
- interagency,
- intercession,
- interest,
- intermediation,
- interposition,
- intervention,
- intricacy,
- intricateness,
- involution,
- joint chairmanship,
- joint control,
- joint ownership,
- joint tenancy,
- leaning,
- mediation,
- meditation,
- monomania,
- nepotism,
- obsession,
- one-sidedness,
- onus,
- partaking,
- parti pris,
- partiality,
- participation,
- partisanism,
- partisanship,
- partnership,
- pathos,
- peccancy,
- perplexity,
- preference,
- preferential treatment,
- preoccupation,
- presumption,
- profound thought,
- ramification,
- rapt attention,
- red-handedness,
- relating,
- reprehensibility,
- reproachableness,
- reprovability,
- reprovableness,
- response,
- responsiveness,
- sharing,
- single-mindedness,
- stepping in,
- studiousness,
- study,
- submersion,
- subsumption,
- subtlety,
- suffrage,
- surrounding,
- sympathetic chord,
- sympathetic response,
- sympathy,
- tanglement,
- technicality,
- undetachment,
- undispassionateness,
- unneutrality,
- vibes,
- vibrations,
- voting