Exact Match:
- jam
- preserve of crushed fruit
- interfere with or prevent the reception of signals; "Jam the Voice of America"; "block the signals emitted by this station"
- crush or bruise; "jam a toe"
- crowd or pack to capacity; "the theater was jampacked"
- get stuck and immobilized; "the mechanism jammed"
- push down forcibly; "The driver jammed the brake pedal to the floor"
- Great Mogul,
- Jell-O,
- Mogul,
- a mass of,
- a world of,
- abound with,
- afterthought,
- albumen,
- arch dam,
- army,
- articulate,
- assault,
- backstop,
- baffle,
- bafflement,
- bamboo curtain,
- bank,
- bar,
- barrage,
- barricade,
- barrier,
- batten,
- batten down,
- batter,
- be alive with,
- beam,
- bear,
- bear upon,
- bear-trap dam,
- bearings,
- beaver dam,
- bed,
- bevy,
- bewilderment,
- bind,
- blancmange,
- blank wall,
- blind alley,
- blind gut,
- block,
- block up,
- blockade,
- blockage,
- bolt,
- bonnyclabber,
- boom,
- boost,
- bother,
- bottleneck,
- box,
- breakwater,
- breastwork,
- brick wall,
- brim,
- bristle with,
- buck,
- buckle,
- buffer,
- bulkhead,
- bull,
- bulldoze,
- bulwark,
- bump,
- bump against,
- bunch,
- bung,
- bunt,
- bureaucratic delay,
- burst with,
- butt,
- butt against,
- butter,
- button,
- candy,
- case,
- catch,
- caulk,
- cecum,
- charge,
- chink,
- chock,
- choke,
- choke off,
- choke up,
- choking,
- choking off,
- circumstance,
- clabber,
- clasp,
- cleat,
- clip,
- clog,
- clog up,
- close,
- close off,
- close tight,
- close up,
- cloud,
- cluster,
- clutch,
- clutter,
- cofferdam,
- cohue,
- comfit,
- compact,
- complication,
- compote,
- compress,
- concentrate,
- condense,
- condition,
- confection,
- confectionery,
- confirm,
- confiture,
- confoundment,
- confusion,
- congest,
- congestion,
- conserve,
- consolidate,
- constipate,
- constipation,
- constrict,
- cork,
- corner,
- cornstarch,
- costiveness,
- cover,
- covey,
- cram,
- crawl with,
- cream,
- creep with,
- crowd,
- crunch,
- crush,
- cul-de-sac,
- curd,
- dam,
- dam up,
- dead end,
- debar,
- deep-dye,
- defense,
- define,
- delay,
- delayage,
- delayed reaction,
- deluge,
- densen,
- densify,
- detention,
- dig,
- dike,
- dilemma,
- discomposure,
- disconcert,
- disconcertedness,
- disconcertion,
- disconcertment,
- disturbance,
- ditch,
- dog,
- double take,
- dough,
- dovetail,
- dragging,
- drench,
- drive,
- drown out,
- earthwork,
- egg white,
- elbow,
- embankment,
- embarrassing position,
- embarrassment,
- embed,
- embolism,
- embolus,
- engraft,
- engrave,
- enigma,
- entrench,
- establish,
- estate,
- etch,
- fence,
- fill,
- fill to overflowing,
- fill up,
- fine how-do-you-do,
- fix,
- flight,
- flock,
- flocks,
- flood,
- footing,
- force,
- foul,
- found,
- freight,
- frosting,
- galaxy,
- gate,
- gaum,
- gel,
- gelatin,
- glair,
- glaze,
- glop,
- glue,
- glut,
- gluten,
- gluttonize,
- goad,
- goo,
- gook,
- goop,
- gorge,
- gravity dam,
- groin,
- ground,
- gruel,
- gumbo,
- gunk,
- hail,
- halt,
- hang-up,
- hasp,
- heap,
- hell to pay,
- hindrance,
- hinge,
- hitch,
- hive,
- hobble,
- holdup,
- hole,
- honey,
- hook,
- horde,
- host,
- hot water,
- how-do-you-do,
- hurtle,
- hustle,
- hydraulic-fill dam,
- icing,
- imbroglio,
- impact,
- impasse,
- impediment,
- implant,
- impress,
- imprint,
- infarct,
- infarction,
- infix,
- ingrain,
- inscribe,
- interim,
- iron curtain,
- jab,
- jam-pack,
- jell,
- jelly,
- jetty,
- jog,
- joggle,
- joint,
- jolt,
- jostle,
- lade,
- lag,
- lagging,
- large amount,
- latch,
- leaping weir,
- legion,
- levee,
- load,
- loblolly,
- location,
- lock,
- lodge,
- logjam,
- lot,
- lots,
- maharaja,
- many,
- marmalade,
- mass,
- masses of,
- meringue,
- mess,
- milldam,
- miter,
- mix,
- moat,
- mob,
- modality,
- mode,
- molasses,
- mole,
- morass,
- moratorium,
- mortise,
- mound,
- mousse,
- muchness,
- mucilage,
- mucus,
- multiply,
- multitude,
- mystery,
- nail,
- nest,
- nizam,
- nonplus,
- nudge,
- numbers,
- obstacle,
- obstipate,
- obstipation,
- obstruct,
- obstruction,
- occlude,
- outroar,
- outshout,
- overburden,
- overcharge,
- overfeed,
- overfill,
- overflow with,
- overlade,
- overload,
- overpower,
- overstuff,
- overweight,
- overwhelm,
- pack,
- pad,
- pang,
- panoply,
- pap,
- paperasserie,
- parapet,
- parlous straits,
- pass,
- paste,
- pause,
- peg,
- perplexity,
- perturbation,
- pickle,
- pile drive,
- pin,
- pinch,
- place,
- plant,
- plight,
- plug,
- plug up,
- plurality,
- poke,
- porridge,
- portcullis,
- position,
- posture,
- pother,
- predicament,
- preserve,
- press,
- pretty pass,
- pretty pickle,
- pretty predicament,
- print,
- problem,
- prod,
- pudding,
- pullulate with,
- pulp,
- punch,
- puree,
- push,
- putty,
- puzzle,
- puzzlement,
- quagmire,
- quandary,
- quantities,
- quicksand,
- quite a few,
- rabbet,
- rabble,
- radiate,
- raja,
- ram,
- ram down,
- ram in,
- rampart,
- rana,
- rank,
- rattle,
- red tape,
- red-tapeism,
- red-tapery,
- reprieve,
- respite,
- retardance,
- retardation,
- riddle,
- rivet,
- roadblock,
- rob,
- rock-fill dam,
- root,
- rout,
- ruck,
- run,
- run against,
- satiate,
- saturate,
- scores,
- scrape,
- screw,
- sealing off,
- seat,
- seawall,
- semifluid,
- semiliquid,
- send,
- set,
- set in,
- settle,
- sew,
- shake,
- shoal,
- shoulder,
- shout down,
- shove,
- shut off,
- shut out,
- shut tight,
- shutter dam,
- situation,
- size,
- skewer,
- slough,
- slow-up,
- slowdown,
- slowness,
- snap,
- soak,
- solidify,
- soup,
- spate,
- spile,
- spot,
- squab,
- squash,
- squeeze,
- squeeze shut,
- squish,
- stamp,
- stanch,
- standing,
- staple,
- starch,
- state,
- station,
- status,
- stay,
- stay of execution,
- stench,
- stereotype,
- stew,
- stick,
- stick fast,
- sticky mess,
- sticky wicket,
- stifle,
- stitch,
- stone wall,
- stop,
- stop up,
- stoppage,
- stopper,
- stopple,
- strait,
- straits,
- strangle,
- strangulate,
- strangulation,
- stress,
- strike root,
- stuff,
- stuff up,
- suffocate,
- supercharge,
- supersaturate,
- surcharge,
- surfeit,
- suspension,
- swamp,
- swarm,
- swarm with,
- sweet,
- sweet stuff,
- sweetmeat,
- sweets,
- syrup,
- tack,
- take root,
- tamp,
- teem with,
- throng,
- throng with,
- thrust,
- tidy sum,
- tie-up,
- tight spot,
- tight squeeze,
- tightrope,
- time lag,
- toggle,
- top off,
- transmit,
- treacle,
- tricky spot,
- tutti-frutti,
- unassuredness,
- unholy mess,
- upset,
- wad,
- wait,
- wall,
- wedge,
- weight,
- weir,
- whipped cream,
- wicket dam,
- work,
- worlds of,
- zipper