Exact Match:
- jig
- any of various old rustic dances involving kicking and leaping
- a device that holds a piece of machine work and guides the tools operating on it
- a fisherman's lure with one or more hooks that is jerked up and down in the water
- music in three-four time for dancing a jig
- dance a quick dance with leaping and kicking motions
- Charleston,
- Highland fling,
- Lambeth Walk,
- Mexican hat dance,
- Portland fancy,
- Virginia reel,
- Watusi,
- allemande,
- and jump,
- angle,
- bait,
- bait the hook,
- barn dance,
- belly dance,
- birdlime,
- bob,
- bobble,
- bola,
- bolero,
- boogaloo,
- bounce,
- bound,
- bourree,
- boutade,
- branle,
- breakdown,
- broad jump,
- buck,
- buckjump,
- bump,
- bunny hop,
- cakewalk,
- can-can,
- capriole,
- cha-cha,
- chonchina,
- clam,
- clog,
- cobweb,
- conga,
- cotillion,
- country dance,
- courante,
- curvet,
- dap,
- demivolt,
- device,
- dib,
- dibble,
- didder,
- dither,
- dragnet,
- drive,
- falter,
- fan dance,
- fandango,
- feint,
- fidget,
- fish,
- fishhook,
- flamenco,
- flick,
- fling,
- flip,
- flirt,
- flounce,
- fly,
- fly-fish,
- flying jump,
- folk dance,
- fox trot,
- galliard,
- gambit,
- gavotte,
- gelandesprung,
- german,
- gig,
- gill net,
- gimmick,
- go fishing,
- grand jete,
- grig,
- grimace,
- ground bait,
- guddle,
- handspring,
- have the fidgets,
- high jump,
- hippety-hop,
- hitch,
- hokey-pokey,
- hook,
- hootchy-kootchy,
- hop,
- hopak,
- hornpipe,
- hula,
- hula-hula,
- hurdle,
- hustle,
- interpretative dance,
- itch,
- jack,
- jacklight,
- jar,
- jerk,
- jete,
- jigger,
- jigget,
- jiggle,
- jog,
- joggle,
- jolt,
- jostle,
- jump,
- jump shot,
- jump turn,
- jump-hop,
- jump-off,
- kola,
- lancers,
- lariat,
- lasso,
- lavolta,
- leap,
- leapfrog,
- limbo,
- lime,
- lindy,
- long jump,
- lure,
- mambo,
- mazurka,
- meshes,
- minuet,
- monkey,
- morris,
- net,
- noose,
- ox dance,
- pachanga,
- pas de deux,
- pas seul,
- paso doble,
- passamezzo,
- peabody,
- play,
- ploy,
- pluck,
- plug,
- pole vault,
- polka,
- polonaise,
- pounce,
- pound net,
- purse seine,
- quadrille,
- quake,
- quaver,
- quiver,
- rain dance,
- reel,
- rictus,
- rigadoon,
- rumba,
- running broad jump,
- running high jump,
- ruse,
- samba,
- saut de basque,
- seine,
- shake,
- shimmy,
- shiver,
- shock,
- shrimp,
- shudder,
- ski jump,
- skip,
- snake,
- snake dance,
- snare,
- snatch,
- sniggle,
- spin,
- spinner,
- spring,
- springe,
- square dance,
- squid,
- start,
- steeplechase,
- still-fish,
- strathspey,
- sudden pull,
- swim,
- sword dance,
- tango,
- tap dance,
- tarantella,
- tic,
- toils,
- torch,
- tour jete,
- trawl,
- tremble,
- tremor,
- trepak,
- troll,
- turkey trot,
- tweak,
- twist,
- twitch,
- twitter,
- upleap,
- upspring,
- valse,
- vault,
- vellicate,
- waltz,
- war dance,
- whale,
- whizzer,
- wile,
- wobble,
- wobbler,
- wrench,
- yank,
- yerk