a room used for reading and writing and studying; "he knocked lightly on the closed door of the study"
a state of deep mental absorption; "she is in a deep study"
applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading); "mastering a second language requires a lot of work"; "no schools offer graduate study in interior design"
a composition intended to develop one aspect of the performer's technique; "a study in spiccato bowing"
someone who memorizes quickly and easily (as the lines for a part in a play); "he is a quick study"
learn by reading books; "He is studying geology in his room"; "I have an exam next week; I must hit the books now"
be a student; follow a course of study; be enrolled at an institute of learning
think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes; "He is meditating in his study"
give careful consideration to; "consider the possibility of moving"
the quality of being difficult to do; "he assigned a series of problems of increasing hardness"; "the ruggedness of his exams caused half the class to fail"
the property of being rigid and resistant to pressure; not easily scratched; measured on Mohs scale
a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed
characterized by or causing or expressing sadness; "growing more melancholy every hour"; "her melancholic smile"; "we acquainted him with the melancholy truth"