give temporarily; let have for a limited time; "I will lend you my car"; "loan me some money"
bestow a quality on; "Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company"; "The music added a lot to the play"; "She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings"; "This adds a light note to the program"
have certain characteristics of qualities for something; be open or vulnerable to; "This story would lend itself well to serialization on television"; "The current system lends itself to great abuse"
give heed (to); "The children in the audience attended the recital quietly"; "She hung on his every word"; "They attended to everything he said"
take charge of or deal with; "Could you see about lunch?"; "I must attend to this matter"; "She took care of this business"
be present at (meetings, church services, university), etc.; "She attends class regularly"; "I rarely attend services at my church"; "did you go to the meeting?"
to accompany as a circumstance or follow as a result; "Menuhin's playing was attended by a 15-minute standing ovation"
sufficiently significant to affect the whole world; "earthshaking proposals"; "the contest was no world-shaking affair"; "the conversation...could hardly be called world-shattering"