Exact Match:
- manifest
- a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane
- reveal its presence or make an appearance; "the ghost manifests each year on the same day"
- record in a ship's manifest; "each passenger must be manifested"
- account,
- advertise,
- affect,
- aggrandize,
- air,
- apparent,
- appear,
- approve,
- argue,
- attest,
- augment,
- bare,
- be indicative of,
- be revealed,
- be significant of,
- be symptomatic of,
- become known,
- beef up,
- beholdable,
- bespeak,
- betoken,
- betray,
- bill,
- bill of account,
- bill of fare,
- bill of lading,
- blatant,
- blazon forth,
- books,
- boost,
- brandish,
- break forth,
- break the seal,
- breathe,
- bring forth,
- bring forward,
- bring into view,
- bring out,
- bring to light,
- bring to notice,
- carte,
- characterize,
- check,
- clear,
- clear as crystal,
- come out,
- come to light,
- compound,
- comprehensible,
- connote,
- conspicuous,
- corroborate,
- crystal-clear,
- dangle,
- declare,
- definite,
- demonstrate,
- denominate,
- denote,
- deobstruct,
- detectable,
- develop,
- differentiate,
- discernible,
- disclose,
- disclosed,
- discover,
- dismask,
- display,
- distinct,
- divulge,
- dramatize,
- draw the veil,
- dun,
- emblazon,
- embody,
- enact,
- enlarge,
- entail,
- evidence,
- evident,
- evince,
- exhibit,
- expand,
- explicit,
- expose,
- expose to view,
- exposed,
- exposed to view,
- express,
- exteriorize,
- externalize,
- flash,
- flaunt,
- flourish,
- free,
- furnish evidence,
- get out,
- give evidence,
- give indication of,
- give sign,
- give token,
- go to show,
- hanging out,
- highlight,
- hint,
- hold up,
- identify,
- illuminate,
- illustrate,
- impart,
- imply,
- in evidence,
- in full view,
- in plain sight,
- in view,
- incarnate,
- indicate,
- indisputable,
- indubitable,
- insight,
- invoice,
- involve,
- itemized bill,
- lay bare,
- lay open,
- leak out,
- ledger,
- let daylight in,
- let out,
- magnify,
- make clear,
- make plain,
- manifest itself,
- manifold,
- mark,
- materialize,
- mean,
- menu,
- multiply,
- naked,
- note,
- noticeable,
- objectify,
- observable,
- obvious,
- open,
- open to view,
- open up,
- open-and-shut,
- out,
- outcropping,
- palpable,
- parade,
- patefy,
- patent,
- perceivable,
- perceptible,
- perform,
- personalize,
- personify,
- perspicuous,
- plain,
- plain as day,
- point to,
- present,
- proclaim,
- produce,
- prominent,
- prove,
- put forth,
- put forward,
- raise the curtain,
- reckoning,
- recognizable,
- represent,
- reveal,
- revealed,
- roll out,
- score,
- seeable,
- self-evident,
- self-explaining,
- self-explanatory,
- set forth,
- show,
- show forth,
- show its colors,
- show its face,
- show signs of,
- show up,
- showing,
- shown,
- signalize,
- signify,
- speak for itself,
- speak volumes,
- sport,
- spotlight,
- stand for,
- stand revealed,
- statement,
- straightforward,
- strip bare,
- substantiate,
- suggest,
- symptomatize,
- symptomize,
- tab,
- tangible,
- tell,
- tend to show,
- testify,
- to be seen,
- token,
- told,
- transpire,
- trot out,
- trumpet,
- trumpet forth,
- unambiguous,
- unblock,
- uncase,
- unclench,
- uncloak,
- unclog,
- unclouded,
- unclutch,
- unconcealed,
- uncork,
- uncover,
- uncurtain,
- undisguised,
- undo,
- undrape,
- unfold,
- unfoul,
- unfurl,
- unhidden,
- unkennel,
- unlatch,
- unlock,
- unmask,
- unmistakable,
- unpack,
- unplug,
- unquestionable,
- unroll,
- unscreen,
- unseal,
- unsheathe,
- unshroud,
- unshut,
- unstop,
- unveil,
- unwrap,
- utter,
- vaunt,
- vent,
- viewable,
- visible,
- visual,
- voice,
- wave,
- witnessable