Exact Match:
- manifestation
- a manifest indication of the existence or presence or nature of some person or thing; "a manifestation of disease"
- a clear appearance; "a manifestation of great emotion"
- announcement,
- apocalypse,
- apparition,
- appearance,
- appearing,
- arising,
- avatar,
- avowal,
- baring,
- basis for belief,
- blazon,
- body of evidence,
- bravura,
- brilliancy,
- chain of evidence,
- characterization,
- clue,
- coming,
- coming into being,
- coming-forth,
- daring,
- dash,
- data,
- datum,
- declaration,
- demonstration,
- denomination,
- denotation,
- designation,
- differentiation,
- discernibleness,
- disclosing,
- disclosure,
- discovering,
- discovery,
- display,
- documentation,
- dramatics,
- eclat,
- emergence,
- epiphany,
- etalage,
- evidence,
- example,
- exhibit,
- exhibition,
- exhibitionism,
- expose,
- exposition,
- exposure,
- expression,
- fact,
- facts,
- false front,
- fanfaronade,
- figure,
- fingering,
- flair,
- flaunt,
- flaunting,
- flourish,
- forthcoming,
- grounds,
- grounds for belief,
- hint,
- histrionics,
- identification,
- incarnation,
- indication,
- indicativeness,
- instance,
- issuance,
- item of evidence,
- laying bare,
- mark,
- material grounds,
- materialization,
- materializing,
- meaning,
- muniments,
- mute witness,
- naming,
- observability,
- occurrence,
- opening,
- outcrop,
- outcropping,
- pageant,
- pageantry,
- parade,
- patefaction,
- perceptibility,
- picking out,
- piece of evidence,
- pointing,
- pointing out,
- pointing to,
- premises,
- presentation,
- proof,
- publication,
- realization,
- reason to believe,
- relevant fact,
- removing the veil,
- revealing,
- revealment,
- revelation,
- rise,
- rising,
- seeableness,
- selection,
- sham,
- show,
- showing,
- showing forth,
- showing up,
- showing-off,
- showup,
- sign,
- signification,
- specification,
- spectacle,
- splash,
- splurge,
- staginess,
- stripping,
- suggestion,
- symptom,
- symptomaticness,
- the seen,
- the visible,
- theatrics,
- theophany,
- token,
- uncloaking,
- uncovering,
- unfolding,
- unfoldment,
- unmasking,
- unveiling,
- unwrapping,
- vaunt,
- visibility,
- visibleness,
- visuality,
- what is revealed