Exact Match:
- mire
- a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot
- a difficulty or embarrassment that is hard to extricate yourself from; "the country is still trying to climb out of the mire left by its previous president"; "caught in the mire of poverty"
- soil with mud, muck, or mire; "The child mucked up his shirt while playing ball in the garden"
- cause to get stuck as if in a mire; "The mud mired our cart"
- adhere,
- baygall,
- befoul,
- begrime,
- bemire,
- bemud,
- besmirch,
- besmoke,
- blacken,
- bog,
- bog down,
- bottom,
- bottomland,
- bottoms,
- buffalo wallow,
- cesspool,
- clay,
- cleave,
- cling,
- cloaca,
- cloaca maxima,
- cohere,
- decelerate,
- defile,
- detain,
- dirt,
- dirty,
- dirty up,
- drain,
- dump,
- dust,
- embroil,
- enmesh,
- ensnare,
- entangle,
- entrap,
- everglade,
- fen,
- fenland,
- garbage dump,
- glade,
- glop,
- grime,
- gumbo,
- gunk,
- hog wallow,
- holm,
- implicate,
- involve,
- marais,
- marish,
- marsh,
- marshland,
- meadow,
- mere,
- moor,
- moorland,
- morass,
- moss,
- muck,
- muck up,
- mud,
- mud flat,
- muddy,
- ooze,
- peat bog,
- quag,
- quagmire,
- quicksand,
- retard,
- salt marsh,
- scum,
- septic tank,
- set back,
- sewer,
- sink,
- sink in,
- slab,
- slacken,
- slime,
- slip,
- slob,
- slob land,
- slop,
- slosh,
- slough,
- slow down,
- sludge,
- slush,
- smear,
- smoke,
- smudge,
- snare,
- soil,
- soot,
- sough,
- splosh,
- squash,
- stick,
- stodge,
- sully,
- sump,
- swale,
- swamp,
- swampland,
- swill,
- taiga,
- tangle,
- tarnish,
- trap,
- wallow,
- wash