Exact Match:
- model
- the act of representing something (usually on a smaller scale)
- representation of something (sometimes on a smaller scale)
- a type of product; "his car was an old model"
- a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process; "the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems"
- a representative form or pattern; "I profited from his example"
- a person who poses for a photographer or painter or sculptor; "the president didn't have time to be a model so the artist worked from photos"
- someone worthy of imitation; "every child needs a role model"
- form in clay, wax, etc; "model a head with clay"
- construct a model of; "model an airplane"
- create a representation or model of; "The pilots are trained in conditions simulating high-altitude flights"
- plan or create according to a model or models
- display (clothes) as a mannequin; "model the latest fashion"
- assume a posture as for artistic purposes; "We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often"
- Geistesgeschichte,
- Hegelian idea,
- Kantian idea,
- Miss America,
- Platonic form,
- Platonic idea,
- admirable,
- aesthetic form,
- apotheosis,
- archetypal,
- archetype,
- archetypical,
- arrangement,
- art form,
- assemble,
- barometer,
- bathing beauty,
- beau ideal,
- beaut,
- beauty,
- beauty contest winner,
- beauty queen,
- belle,
- beyond all praise,
- block out,
- brand,
- build,
- bunny,
- burlesque,
- bust,
- canon,
- canon form,
- carve,
- carving,
- cast,
- charmer,
- chase,
- check,
- chisel,
- classic,
- classical,
- clone,
- commendable,
- companion,
- complex idea,
- configuration,
- conformation,
- consummate,
- copy,
- copy after,
- counterpart,
- cover girl,
- cream,
- create,
- creditable,
- criterion,
- cut,
- dazzler,
- dead ringer,
- degree,
- deserving,
- design,
- developed,
- display,
- ditto,
- doll,
- dolly,
- double,
- dream,
- dummy,
- dupe,
- duplicate,
- duplication,
- effigy,
- efform,
- emblem,
- embodiment,
- emulate,
- enchantress,
- engrave,
- epitome,
- estimable,
- eternal object,
- eternal universal,
- exact likeness,
- example,
- exemplar,
- exemplary,
- expert,
- fabricate,
- facsimile,
- fantoccini,
- fashion,
- fellow,
- figuration,
- figure,
- figurehead,
- figurine,
- finished,
- fix,
- flawless,
- follow,
- follow like sheep,
- follow suit,
- forge,
- form,
- formal cause,
- formalize,
- format,
- formation,
- found,
- frame,
- fugue form,
- fully developed,
- gauge,
- genre,
- gingerbread man,
- good example,
- graduated scale,
- grave,
- great beauty,
- hew,
- highest category,
- history of ideas,
- icon,
- ideal,
- idealism,
- ideate,
- ideatum,
- idee-force,
- idol,
- image,
- imitate,
- imitation,
- impression,
- indefectible,
- inimitable,
- innate idea,
- inner form,
- innovation,
- insculpture,
- kind,
- knead,
- knock out,
- knockoff,
- knockout,
- lady fair,
- laudable,
- lay figure,
- lay out,
- layout,
- lick into shape,
- lied form,
- likeness,
- living image,
- living picture,
- looker,
- make,
- makeup,
- man of men,
- man of straw,
- manikin,
- mannequin,
- marionette,
- mark,
- masterful,
- masterly,
- match,
- mate,
- matrix,
- mature,
- matured,
- measure,
- meritorious,
- miniature,
- mint,
- mirror,
- mirroring,
- mock-up,
- modality,
- mode,
- model after,
- mold,
- monument,
- mould,
- ne plus ultra,
- new departure,
- nonesuch,
- nonpareil,
- noosphere,
- norm,
- noumenon,
- original,
- paradigm,
- paradigmatic,
- paragon,
- parameter,
- paraphrase,
- parody,
- pattern,
- pattern after,
- peach,
- percept,
- perfect,
- perfected,
- photograph,
- picture,
- pilot model,
- pinup,
- pinup girl,
- pocket edition,
- polished,
- portrait,
- portrait bust,
- poser,
- praiseworthy,
- precedential,
- primary form,
- produce,
- proficient,
- prototypal,
- prototype,
- puppet,
- pussycat,
- quadruplicate,
- quantity,
- quintessence,
- quintessential,
- raving beauty,
- reading,
- readout,
- refined,
- reflection,
- regulative first principle,
- reigning beauty,
- repetition,
- replica,
- replication,
- representation,
- representative,
- reproduction,
- resemblance,
- ripe,
- ripened,
- rondo form,
- rough out,
- roughcast,
- roughhew,
- rubbing,
- rule,
- scale,
- scarecrow,
- sculp,
- sculpt,
- sculpture,
- semblance,
- set,
- sex kitten,
- shadow,
- shape,
- shining example,
- show off,
- significant form,
- similitude,
- simple idea,
- simulacrum,
- sitter,
- slick chick,
- snowman,
- solder,
- sonata allegro,
- sonata form,
- sort,
- spit and image,
- spitting image,
- sport,
- stamp,
- standard,
- statuary,
- statue,
- statuette,
- structure,
- stunner,
- style,
- subject,
- subsistent form,
- symbol,
- symphonic form,
- tailor,
- take after,
- test,
- the Absolute,
- the Absolute Idea,
- the Self-determined,
- the realized ideal,
- thermoform,
- toccata form,
- touchstone,
- trace,
- tracing,
- transcendent idea,
- transcendent nonempirical concept,
- transcendent universal,
- travesty,
- triplicate,
- turn,
- twin,
- type,
- typical,
- unexceptionable,
- universal,
- universal concept,
- universal essence,
- value,
- variety,
- version,
- very,
- very image,
- very picture,
- wax figure,
- waxwork,
- wear,
- weld,
- well-deserving,
- wood carving,
- work,
- worthy,
- yardstick