Exact Match:
- monument
- an important site that is marked and preserved as public property
- antenna tower,
- arch,
- archives,
- barbican,
- barrow,
- belfry,
- bell tower,
- bench mark,
- bookmark,
- boundary stone,
- brass,
- bust,
- cairn,
- campanile,
- carving,
- catstone,
- cenotaph,
- colossus,
- column,
- commemorate,
- commemoration,
- cromlech,
- cross,
- cup,
- cupola,
- cyclolith,
- derrick,
- doll,
- dolly,
- dolmen,
- dome,
- dummy,
- evidence,
- example,
- exemplar,
- fantoccini,
- figure,
- figurehead,
- figurine,
- fire tower,
- footstone,
- gingerbread man,
- grave,
- gravestone,
- headstone,
- hoarstone,
- inscription,
- landmark,
- lantern,
- lay figure,
- ledger,
- lighthouse,
- lightship,
- man of straw,
- manikin,
- mannequin,
- marionette,
- mark,
- marker,
- martello,
- martello tower,
- mast,
- mausoleum,
- megalith,
- memento,
- memorial,
- memorial arch,
- memorial column,
- memorial statue,
- memorial stone,
- menhir,
- milepost,
- milestone,
- minaret,
- model,
- monolith,
- monumentalize,
- mound,
- necrology,
- obelisk,
- obituary,
- observation tower,
- pagoda,
- pharos,
- pilaster,
- pillar,
- pinnacle,
- plaque,
- platform,
- pole,
- portrait bust,
- prize,
- puppet,
- pylon,
- pyramid,
- record,
- reliquary,
- remembrance,
- ribbon,
- rostral column,
- scarecrow,
- sculpture,
- seamark,
- shaft,
- shrine,
- skyscraper,
- snowman,
- spire,
- standpipe,
- statuary,
- statue,
- statuette,
- steeple,
- stela,
- stone,
- stupa,
- tablet,
- television mast,
- testament,
- testimonial,
- testimony,
- token,
- tomb,
- tombstone,
- tope,
- tour,
- tower,
- tribute,
- trophy,
- turret,
- watchtower,
- water tower,
- wax figure,
- waxwork,
- windmill tower,
- witness,
- wood carving