Exact Match:
- navigation
- the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place
- ship traffic; "the channel will be open to navigation as soon as the ice melts"
- VAR,
- aim,
- astronavigation,
- automatic electronic navigation,
- azimuth,
- bearing,
- bent,
- boating,
- canoeing,
- cartography,
- celestial navigation,
- chorography,
- circumnavigation,
- coasting,
- consolan,
- course,
- cruising,
- current,
- direction,
- direction line,
- drift,
- electronic navigation,
- geodesy,
- geodetic satellite,
- geography,
- gunkholing,
- heading,
- helmsmanship,
- inclination,
- lay,
- lie,
- line,
- line of direction,
- line of march,
- loran,
- motorboating,
- navar,
- navigability,
- navigating,
- omnidirectional range,
- omnirange,
- orbiting geophysical observatory,
- orientation,
- passage-making,
- periplus,
- pilotage,
- piloting,
- point,
- quarter,
- radar,
- radio navigation,
- range,
- rowing,
- run,
- sailing,
- sculling,
- sea travel,
- seafaring,
- seamanship,
- set,
- shoran,
- steaming,
- steerage,
- steering,
- surveying,
- tacan,
- teleran,
- tendency,
- tenor,
- topography,
- track,
- travel by water,
- trend,
- visual-aural range,
- voyaging,
- water travel,
- way,
- yachting