Exact Match:
- nut
- a small (usually square or hexagonal) metal block with internal screw thread to be fitted onto a bolt
- Egyptian goddess of the sky
- usually large hard-shelled seed
- gather nuts
- Brazil nut,
- English walnut,
- Macadamia nut,
- acorn,
- addict,
- aficionado,
- alien,
- aliene,
- almond,
- almond paste,
- amande,
- amande douce,
- amandes mondees,
- amateur,
- authority,
- bean,
- bedlamite,
- beechnut,
- ben nut,
- berry,
- betel nut,
- bigot,
- bird seed,
- bitter almond,
- black walnut,
- blanched almonds,
- bonduc nut,
- borderline case,
- bring in,
- buff,
- bug,
- burnt almond,
- butternut,
- candlenut,
- case,
- cashew,
- cashew nut,
- character,
- chestnut,
- chinquapin,
- cobnut,
- coconut,
- collector,
- conk,
- connoisseur,
- corozo nut,
- crackbrain,
- crackpot,
- crank,
- critic,
- crop,
- crop herbs,
- cuckoo,
- cumara nut,
- cut,
- dement,
- demon,
- demoniac,
- devotee,
- dig,
- dika nut,
- dilettante,
- ding-a-ling,
- dome,
- eager beaver,
- eccentric,
- energumen,
- enthusiast,
- erratic,
- expert,
- faddist,
- fan,
- fanatic,
- fanatico,
- fiend,
- flake,
- flaxseed,
- fou,
- freak,
- fruit,
- gather,
- gather in,
- glean,
- goober,
- goober pea,
- grabble,
- grain,
- great one for,
- ground-pea,
- groundnut,
- harebrain,
- harvest,
- hay,
- hayseed,
- head,
- hermit,
- hickory nut,
- hobbyist,
- hobo,
- horse chestnut,
- hound,
- idiot,
- infatuate,
- issue,
- kernel,
- kola,
- kola nut,
- kook,
- linseed,
- litchi nut,
- lone wolf,
- loner,
- loon,
- loony,
- lunatic,
- lunatic fringe,
- madman,
- maniac,
- maverick,
- meat,
- meshuggenah,
- monomaniac,
- mow,
- natural,
- nigger toe,
- noddle,
- noggin,
- noisette,
- noix,
- non compos,
- noncompos,
- nonconformist,
- noodle,
- odd fellow,
- oddball,
- oddity,
- original,
- outsider,
- palm nut,
- pariah,
- peanut,
- peanut butter,
- pecan,
- phrenetic,
- pick,
- pine nut,
- pip,
- pistachio,
- pit,
- pluck,
- poll,
- pundit,
- pursuer,
- queer duck,
- queer fish,
- queer specimen,
- question,
- rara avis,
- raving lunatic,
- reap,
- reap and carry,
- recluse,
- rhapsodist,
- salted peanuts,
- sassafras nut,
- savant,
- scholar,
- screwball,
- seed,
- solitary,
- souari nut,
- specialist,
- stone,
- strange duck,
- sucker for,
- sweet almond,
- technical expert,
- technician,
- tramp,
- type,
- visionary,
- walnut,
- weirdo,
- zealot