a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `as' or `too' or `so' or `that'; amounting to a large but indefinite number; "many temptations"; "the temptations are many"; "a good many"; "a great many"; "many directions"; "take as many apples as you like"; "too many clouds to see"; "never saw so many people"
for or by a group rather than individuals; "dipping each his bread into a communal dish of stew"- Paul Roche; "a communal settlement in which all earnings and food were shared"; "a group effort"
relating to a small administrative district or community; "communal elections in several European countries"
the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities; "a man of experience"; "experience is the best teacher"
the content of direct observation or participation in an event; "he had a religious experience"; "he recalled the experience vividly"
an event as apprehended; "a surprising experience"; "that painful experience certainly got our attention"
go through (mental or physical states or experiences); "get an idea"; "experience vertigo"; "get nauseous"; "undergo a strange sensation"; "The chemical undergoes a sudden change"; "The fluid undergoes shear"; "receive injuries"; "have a feeling"
go or live through; "We had many trials to go through"; "he saw action in Viet Nam"
the ordinary members of an organization (such as the enlisted soldiers of an army); "the strike was supported by the union rank and file"; "he rose from the ranks to become a colonel"
agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as a whole; "the lack of consensus reflected differences in theoretical positions"; "those rights and obligations are based on an unstated consensus"
being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics ; "painting and the related arts"; "school-related activities"; "related to micelle formation is the...ability of detergent actives to congregate at oil-water interfaces"
marked by friendly companionship with others; "a social cup of coffee"
living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups; "a human being is a social animal"; "mature social behavior"
tending to move or live together in groups or colonies of the same kind; "ants are social insects"
composed of sociable people or formed for the purpose of sociability; "a purely social club"; "the church has a large social hall"; "a social director"
relating to human society and its members; "social institutions"; "societal evolution"; "societal forces"; "social legislation"
relating to or belonging to or characteristic of high society; "made fun of her being so social and high-toned"; "a social gossip colum"; "the society page"
a relation between people; (`relationship' is often used where `relation' would serve, as in `the relationship between inflation and unemployment', but the preferred usage of `relationship' is for human relations or states of relatedness); "the relationship between mothers and their children"
a state of connectedness between people (especially an emotional connection); "he didn't want his wife to know of the relationship"
a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries
set up on the principle of collectivism or ownership and production by the workers involved usually under the supervision of a government; "collective farms"