Exact Match:
- outflow
- the process of flowing out
- affluence,
- afflux,
- affluxion,
- blow out,
- concourse,
- confluence,
- conflux,
- course,
- crosscurrent,
- current,
- defluxion,
- discharge,
- downflow,
- downpour,
- drain,
- drain out,
- drainage,
- drift,
- driftage,
- effluence,
- efflux,
- effluxion,
- effusion,
- empty,
- exhalation,
- exhaust,
- find vent,
- flow,
- flow out,
- flowing,
- flowoff,
- fluency,
- flux,
- gush,
- gush out,
- inflow,
- jet,
- mill run,
- millrace,
- money going out,
- onrush,
- onward course,
- outfall,
- outflowing,
- outgo,
- outgoings,
- outlay,
- outpour,
- outpouring,
- pour,
- pour out,
- race,
- run,
- run out,
- runoff,
- rush,
- set,
- sluice out,
- spate,
- spendings,
- spew out,
- spout,
- spout out,
- spurt,
- stream,
- surge,
- tide,
- trend,
- undercurrent,
- undertow,
- vomit forth,
- water flow,
- well,
- well out