Exact Match:
- overflow
- the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity
- flow or run over (a limit or brim)
- abound,
- abundance,
- affluence,
- alluvion,
- alluvium,
- ample sufficiency,
- ampleness,
- amplitude,
- avalanche,
- bonanza,
- bountifulness,
- bountiousness,
- bristle with,
- bumper crop,
- cascade,
- cataclysm,
- cataract,
- cloud of words,
- congestion,
- copiousness,
- crawl with,
- creep with,
- deluge,
- diffuseness,
- diffusion,
- diffusiveness,
- drown,
- effusion,
- effusiveness,
- engorgement,
- engulf,
- engulfment,
- extravagance,
- exuberance,
- exuberate,
- fecundity,
- fertility,
- fill,
- flood,
- flooding,
- flow,
- fluency,
- foison,
- formlessness,
- full measure,
- fullness,
- generosity,
- generousness,
- glut,
- great abundance,
- great plenty,
- gush,
- gushing,
- hyperemia,
- inundate,
- inundation,
- know no bounds,
- landslide,
- lavishness,
- liberality,
- liberalness,
- logorrhea,
- lots,
- luxuriance,
- luxuriate,
- macrology,
- maximum,
- more than enough,
- much,
- myriad,
- myriads,
- numerousness,
- opulence,
- opulency,
- outpour,
- outpouring,
- overabound,
- overabundance,
- overbrim,
- overbrimming,
- overburden,
- overcharge,
- overfill,
- overflowing,
- overfreight,
- overfullness,
- overgrow,
- overkill,
- overload,
- overmuch,
- overplus,
- overrun,
- overrunning,
- overspill,
- overspread,
- overswarm,
- overweight,
- overwhelm,
- palilogy,
- plenitude,
- plenteousness,
- plentifulness,
- plenty,
- pleonasm,
- plethora,
- pour,
- pour out,
- pour over,
- prevalence,
- prodigality,
- productiveness,
- productivity,
- profuseness,
- profusion,
- proliferate,
- prolificacy,
- prolificity,
- pullulate,
- quantities,
- rain,
- rampancy,
- rankness,
- redundancy,
- reiteration,
- reiterativeness,
- repetition for effect,
- repetitiveness,
- repleteness,
- repletion,
- rich harvest,
- rich vein,
- richness,
- riot,
- riotousness,
- run over,
- run riot,
- satiety,
- saturation,
- scads,
- shower,
- slop,
- slosh,
- spate,
- spill,
- spill out,
- spill over,
- spillage,
- stream,
- submerge,
- submersion,
- substantiality,
- substantialness,
- superabound,
- superabundance,
- superfluity,
- superflux,
- supersaturation,
- surcharge,
- surfeit,
- surplus,
- surplusage,
- swamp,
- swarm,
- swarm with,
- sweep,
- talkativeness,
- tautology,
- teem,
- teem with,
- teemingness,
- the Deluge,
- the Flood,
- tirade,
- torrent,
- washout,
- wealth,
- well,
- whelm,
- whelming