- DP,
- Diogenes,
- Hieronymian,
- Hieronymite,
- Ishmael,
- Timon of Athens,
- alien,
- anchoress,
- anchorite,
- ascetic,
- bedridden invalid,
- case,
- castaway,
- character,
- cloistered monk,
- closet cynic,
- crackpot,
- crank,
- declasse,
- derelict,
- desert fathers,
- desert saints,
- displaced person,
- eccentric,
- eremite,
- evictee,
- exile,
- expatriate,
- expellee,
- fanatic,
- hermit,
- hermitess,
- hobo,
- homebody,
- invalid,
- isolationist,
- kook,
- leper,
- lone wolf,
- loner,
- marabout,
- maverick,
- meshuggenah,
- natural,
- nonconformist,
- nut,
- odd fellow,
- oddball,
- oddity,
- original,
- outcast,
- outcast of society,
- outcaste,
- outlaw,
- outsider,
- persona non grata,
- pillar saint,
- pillarist,
- queer duck,
- queer fish,
- queer specimen,
- rara avis,
- recluse,
- screwball,
- seclusionist,
- shut-in,
- social outcast,
- solitaire,
- solitary,
- solitudinarian,
- stay-at-home,
- stylite,
- tramp,
- type,
- unacceptable person,
- undesirable,
- untouchable,
- zealot