Exact Match:
- partner
- a person who is a member of a partnership
- provide with a partner
- act as a partner; "Astaire partnered Rogers"
- a party to,
- accessory,
- accompanier,
- accompanist,
- accompanyist,
- accomplice,
- accumulate,
- ace,
- act in concert,
- act together,
- affiliate,
- agglomerate,
- aggregate,
- aggroup,
- ally,
- alter ego,
- amalgamate,
- amass,
- amigo,
- assemble,
- assistant,
- associate,
- attendant,
- band,
- band together,
- batch,
- be in cahoots,
- be in league,
- bedfellow,
- bedmate,
- better half,
- birthmate,
- bosom buddy,
- bring together,
- buddy,
- bulk,
- bunch,
- bunch together,
- bunch up,
- bunkie,
- bunkmate,
- butty,
- cabal,
- camarade,
- cement a union,
- centralize,
- chamberfellow,
- chum,
- classmate,
- club,
- club together,
- clubmate,
- clump,
- cluster,
- coact,
- coalesce,
- cohort,
- collaborate,
- collaborator,
- colleague,
- collect,
- colligate,
- collocate,
- collude,
- comate,
- combine,
- come together,
- companion,
- companion piece,
- company,
- compare,
- compeer,
- compile,
- comrade,
- concert,
- concord,
- concur,
- confederate,
- confrere,
- conglomerate,
- consociate,
- consolidate,
- consort,
- conspire,
- cooperate,
- copartner,
- copemate,
- copesmate,
- corral,
- cotenant,
- couchmate,
- couple,
- cradlemate,
- crony,
- cumulate,
- cupmate,
- dig up,
- do business with,
- draw together,
- dredge up,
- drive together,
- federalize,
- federate,
- fellow,
- fellow student,
- friend,
- fuse,
- gang,
- gang up,
- gather,
- gather in,
- gather together,
- general partner,
- get heads together,
- get in,
- get together,
- girl friend,
- go in partners,
- go in partnership,
- go partners,
- gossip,
- group,
- hang together,
- harmonize,
- helper,
- helpmate,
- helpmeet,
- hold together,
- hook up,
- hook up with,
- husband,
- jailmate,
- join,
- join forces,
- join fortunes with,
- join in,
- join together,
- join up with,
- join with,
- juxtapose,
- keep together,
- league,
- league together,
- lump together,
- make common cause,
- make up,
- marry,
- mass,
- match,
- mate,
- merge,
- messmate,
- mobilize,
- muster,
- old crony,
- organize,
- pair,
- pair off,
- pal,
- pard,
- pardner,
- partaker,
- participant,
- participator,
- party,
- pewmate,
- play ball,
- playfellow,
- playmate,
- pull together,
- put heads together,
- put together,
- raise,
- rake up,
- rally,
- reciprocate,
- roommate,
- round up,
- schoolfellow,
- schoolmate,
- scrape together,
- secret partner,
- shareholder,
- sharer,
- shelfmate,
- shipmate,
- shopmate,
- side partner,
- sidekick,
- sidekicker,
- silent partner,
- sleeping partner,
- special partner,
- spouse,
- stand together,
- stand up with,
- tablemate,
- take up,
- team up,
- team up with,
- team with,
- teammate,
- tentmate,
- throw in together,
- throw in with,
- tie in,
- tie in with,
- tie up,
- tie up with,
- unionize,
- unite,
- unite efforts,
- unite with,
- watchmate,
- waymate,
- wed,
- whip in,
- wife,
- work together,
- workfellow,
- yokefellow,
- yokemate