- abscind,
- abstract,
- address to,
- advert to,
- allude to,
- amputate,
- analyze,
- annihilate,
- assign,
- avulse,
- ban,
- bar,
- be taken as,
- behold,
- bob,
- bolt,
- bring to attention,
- bring to notice,
- call attention to,
- cast off,
- cast out,
- catch sight of,
- choose out,
- chuck,
- cite,
- clap eyes on,
- clear,
- clear away,
- clear out,
- clear the decks,
- clip,
- contradistinguish,
- cordon,
- cordon off,
- crop,
- cull,
- cull out,
- cut,
- cut away,
- cut off,
- cut out,
- decide between,
- demarcate,
- demark,
- denominate,
- denote,
- deport,
- deracinate,
- descry,
- designate,
- determine,
- differentiate,
- dig out,
- dig up,
- direct attention to,
- direct to,
- discern,
- discover,
- discriminate,
- disentangle,
- dispose of,
- distinguish,
- divide,
- dock,
- draw,
- draw out,
- draw the line,
- dredge,
- dredge up,
- eject,
- elect,
- elide,
- eliminate,
- emblematize,
- enucleate,
- eradicate,
- espy,
- evolve,
- evulse,
- excavate,
- except,
- excerpt,
- excise,
- exclude,
- exile,
- expatriate,
- expel,
- exsect,
- extinguish,
- extirpate,
- extract,
- extricate,
- figure,
- finger,
- fix,
- focus on,
- get out,
- get quit of,
- get rid of,
- get shut of,
- ghettoize,
- gin,
- glean,
- glimpse,
- gouge out,
- grub up,
- handpick,
- have in sight,
- indicate,
- insulate,
- isolate,
- keep apart,
- keep aside,
- ken,
- knock off,
- lay aside,
- lay eyes on,
- liquidate,
- look on,
- look upon,
- lop,
- make a selection,
- make out,
- mark,
- mark the interface,
- mention,
- mine,
- mutilate,
- name,
- nip,
- notice,
- observe,
- opt for,
- outlaw,
- pare,
- peel,
- perceive,
- pick,
- pick out,
- pin down,
- pluck out,
- pluck up,
- point at,
- point out,
- point to,
- prefer,
- prune,
- pull,
- pull out,
- pull up,
- purge,
- put aside,
- quarantine,
- quarry,
- rake out,
- recognize,
- refer to,
- remove,
- riddle,
- rip out,
- root out,
- root up,
- rule out,
- screen,
- screen out,
- seclude,
- see,
- segregate,
- select,
- separate,
- set,
- set a limit,
- set apart,
- set aside,
- set off,
- sever,
- severalize,
- shave,
- shear,
- sieve,
- sieve out,
- sift,
- sift out,
- sight,
- signify,
- single out,
- sort,
- sort out,
- specialize,
- specify,
- split hairs,
- spot,
- spy,
- stamp out,
- stand for,
- state,
- stigmatize,
- stipulate,
- strike off,
- strike out,
- strip,
- strip off,
- subdivide,
- subtilize,
- symbol,
- symbolize,
- take in,
- take off,
- take out,
- tear out,
- thrash,
- thresh,
- throw over,
- throw overboard,
- touch on,
- truncate,
- twig,
- typify,
- unearth,
- unravel,
- uproot,
- view,
- weed out,
- winnow,
- wipe out,
- withdraw,
- witness,
- wrest out