Exact Match:
- pigeonhole
- a specific (often simplistic) category
- treat or classify according to a mental stereotype; "I was stereotyped as a lazy Southern European"
- place into a small compartment
- adjourn,
- air hole,
- alphabetize,
- analyze,
- armhole,
- arrange,
- assort,
- bibliography,
- blood,
- blowhole,
- book,
- bracket,
- branch,
- break down,
- bullet-hole,
- bunghole,
- calendar,
- card catalog,
- caste,
- catalog,
- catalogue raisonne,
- categorize,
- category,
- clan,
- class,
- classified catalog,
- classify,
- codify,
- constitute,
- continue,
- cringle,
- cubby,
- cubbyhole,
- deadeye,
- decree,
- defer,
- delay,
- digest,
- divide,
- division,
- doghouse,
- drag out,
- enact,
- enact laws,
- enroll,
- enter,
- enumerate,
- estate,
- extend,
- eye,
- eyelet,
- file,
- filibuster,
- filing system,
- finding list,
- gasket,
- get the floor,
- grade,
- grommet,
- group,
- grouping,
- guide,
- handlist,
- hang fire,
- hang up,
- have the floor,
- head,
- heading,
- hold off,
- hold over,
- hold up,
- hole,
- identify,
- impanel,
- index,
- inventory,
- itemize,
- keep score,
- keyhole,
- kill,
- kin,
- knothole,
- label,
- lay aside,
- lay away,
- lay by,
- lay over,
- league,
- legislate,
- letter file,
- level,
- list,
- lobby through,
- logroll,
- loop,
- loophole,
- manhole,
- mousehole,
- name,
- niche,
- ordain,
- order,
- pass,
- peephole,
- pigeonholes,
- pinch,
- pinhole,
- place,
- placket,
- placket hole,
- playhouse,
- pocket,
- porthole,
- position,
- post,
- postpone,
- predicament,
- program,
- prolong,
- prorogate,
- prorogue,
- protract,
- punch-hole,
- push aside,
- put aside,
- put away,
- put in force,
- put in mothballs,
- put off,
- put on ice,
- put through,
- race,
- railroad through,
- range,
- rank,
- rate,
- rating,
- recess,
- register,
- reserve,
- roll logs,
- rubric,
- schedule,
- score,
- section,
- sept,
- set,
- set aside,
- set by,
- shelve,
- shift off,
- sideline,
- sleep on,
- slot,
- sort,
- spiracle,
- stand over,
- station,
- status,
- stave off,
- stay,
- store,
- stow,
- strain,
- stratum,
- stretch out,
- subdivide,
- subdivision,
- subgroup,
- suborder,
- suspend,
- table,
- table the motion,
- tabulate,
- take a recess,
- take the floor,
- tally,
- tap,
- tier,
- tight spot,
- tight squeeze,
- title,
- type,
- vent,
- venthole,
- veto,
- waive,
- yield the floor