Exact Match:
- porch
- a structure attached to the exterior of a building often forming a covered entrance
- Easter sepulcher,
- French door,
- ambry,
- apse,
- archway,
- back door,
- baptistery,
- barway,
- blindstory,
- bulkhead,
- carriage entrance,
- cellar door,
- cellarway,
- chancel,
- choir,
- cloisters,
- confessional,
- confessionary,
- crypt,
- diaconicon,
- diaconicum,
- door,
- doorjamb,
- doorpost,
- doorway,
- front door,
- gallery,
- gate,
- gatepost,
- gateway,
- hatch,
- hatchway,
- lanai,
- lintel,
- nave,
- patio,
- piazza,
- portal,
- porte cochere,
- postern,
- presbytery,
- propylaeum,
- pylon,
- rood loft,
- rood stair,
- rood tower,
- sacrarium,
- sacristy,
- scuttle,
- side door,
- sleeping porch,
- solarium,
- stile,
- stoop,
- storm door,
- sun porch,
- threshold,
- tollgate,
- transept,
- trap,
- trap door,
- triforium,
- turnpike,
- turnstile,
- veranda,
- vestry