Exact Match:
- poser
- a particularly difficult or baffling question or problem
- Chinese puzzle,
- Gordian knot,
- Holy Willie,
- Joseph Surface,
- Mawworm,
- Pecksniff,
- Pharisee,
- Tartuffe,
- affecter,
- attitudinarian,
- attitudinizer,
- baffling problem,
- blagueur,
- bluff,
- bluffer,
- brain twister,
- canter,
- canting hypocrite,
- charlatan,
- crossword puzzle,
- crux,
- dilemma,
- dissembler,
- dissimulator,
- enigma,
- enigmatic question,
- fake,
- faker,
- floorer,
- formalist,
- fourflusher,
- fraud,
- humbug,
- hypocrite,
- impersonator,
- impostor,
- jigsaw puzzle,
- knot,
- knotty point,
- lip server,
- lip worshiper,
- malingerer,
- mind-boggler,
- mountebank,
- mystery,
- node,
- nodus,
- nonplus,
- nut to crack,
- oxymoron,
- paradox,
- perplexed question,
- perplexity,
- pharisee,
- phony,
- pietist,
- pious fraud,
- pons asinorum,
- poseur,
- posture maker,
- posturer,
- posturist,
- pretender,
- problem,
- puzzle,
- puzzlement,
- puzzler,
- quack,
- quacksalver,
- quackster,
- quandary,
- question,
- question mark,
- ranter,
- religionist,
- religious hypocrite,
- ringer,
- saltimbanco,
- sham,
- shammer,
- sixty-four dollar question,
- sniveler,
- snuffler,
- spiritual humbug,
- sticker,
- striker of poses,
- stumper,
- teaser,
- tough proposition,
- vexed question,
- whited sepulcher,
- why