Exact Match:
- prime
- a number that has no factor but itself and 1
- the time of maturity when power and vigor are greatest
- the second canonical hour; about 6 a.m.
- being at the best stage of development; "our manhood's prime vigor"- Robert Browning
- of or relating to or being an integer that cannot be factored into other integers; "prime number"
- insert a primer into (a gun, mine, or charge) preparatory to detonation or firing; "prime a cannon"; "prime a mine"
- fill with priming liquid; "prime a car engine"
- cover with a primer; apply a primer to
- Eastertide,
- Mass,
- Maytime,
- abecedarian,
- aboriginal,
- acme,
- admirable,
- adolescence,
- adulthood,
- adultness,
- advise,
- age of consent,
- algorismic,
- algorithmic,
- aliquot,
- all-absorbing,
- alpha,
- ancestral,
- antecedent,
- antenatal,
- antepatriarchal,
- anterior,
- anticipatory,
- apply paint,
- apprise,
- arch,
- atavistic,
- aurora,
- autochthonous,
- banner,
- basic,
- bedaub,
- bedizen,
- bedtime prayer,
- begild,
- beginning,
- besmear,
- best,
- break of day,
- breaking-in,
- brief,
- brightening,
- brush on paint,
- budding,
- budtime,
- butter,
- calcimine,
- camp meeting,
- capital,
- cardinal,
- central,
- champion,
- chanticleer,
- charge,
- chief,
- choice,
- chosen,
- church,
- church service,
- ci-devant,
- coach,
- coat,
- cock,
- cockcrow,
- cocklight,
- color,
- complexion,
- compline,
- controlling,
- cover,
- crack of dawn,
- cram,
- cram with facts,
- cream,
- creative,
- crowning,
- dab,
- dandy,
- daub,
- dawn,
- dawning,
- day-peep,
- daybreak,
- daylight,
- dayspring,
- decimal,
- deep-dye,
- detonate,
- devotions,
- differential,
- digital,
- dip,
- discharge,
- distemper,
- divine service,
- dominant,
- double-dye,
- drill,
- driving age,
- drop,
- duty,
- dye,
- earlier,
- earliest,
- early,
- educate,
- eject,
- elder,
- elect,
- elemental,
- elementary,
- elite,
- emblazon,
- embryonic,
- enamel,
- engild,
- even,
- evening devotions,
- evensong,
- excellent,
- exceptional,
- excite,
- exercises,
- exponential,
- extraordinary,
- face,
- famous,
- fast-dye,
- fat,
- fell,
- fetal,
- figural,
- figurate,
- figurative,
- fine,
- finite,
- fire,
- fire off,
- first,
- first blush,
- first brightening,
- first glance,
- first impression,
- first inning,
- first lap,
- first move,
- first round,
- first sight,
- first stage,
- first step,
- first-class,
- first-rate,
- first-string,
- flower,
- flower of age,
- focal,
- for the best,
- fore,
- foregoing,
- forehand,
- foremost,
- formative,
- former,
- forward,
- foundational,
- fractional,
- fresco,
- front,
- frontal,
- full age,
- full bloom,
- full growth,
- fullgrownness,
- fundamental,
- galvanize,
- gambit,
- gestatory,
- get ready,
- get up steam,
- gild,
- glaze,
- gloss,
- grain,
- great,
- greatest,
- greenness,
- grown-upness,
- gun,
- gun for,
- handpicked,
- head,
- headmost,
- hegemonic,
- heyday,
- highest,
- hit,
- hue,
- humanoid,
- illuminate,
- imaginary,
- imbue,
- impair,
- impossible,
- in embryo,
- in its infancy,
- in the bud,
- inaugural,
- inceptive,
- inchoate,
- inchoative,
- incipient,
- incunabular,
- infant,
- infantile,
- infinite,
- inform,
- ingrain,
- initial,
- initiative,
- initiatory,
- instruct,
- integral,
- introductory,
- inventive,
- irrational,
- japan,
- juvenility,
- lacquer,
- lauds,
- lay on,
- lay on color,
- le premier pas,
- leading,
- legal age,
- legalis homo,
- let fly,
- let off,
- light,
- liturgy,
- load,
- logarithmic,
- logometric,
- magisterial,
- maiden,
- main,
- majority,
- make ready,
- manhood,
- manlihood,
- master,
- matchless,
- matins,
- mature age,
- maturity,
- meeting,
- morn,
- morning devotions,
- motivate,
- move,
- nascent,
- natal,
- negative,
- night song,
- none,
- nones,
- nonesuch,
- nonpareil,
- noteworthy,
- notify,
- novena,
- numeral,
- numerary,
- numerative,
- numeric,
- odd,
- office,
- older,
- opening move,
- optimal,
- optimum,
- ordinal,
- original,
- outstanding,
- overriding,
- overruling,
- paint,
- pair,
- paragon,
- paramount,
- parget,
- parturient,
- patriarchal,
- peak,
- peep of day,
- peerless,
- pelt,
- pepper,
- pick,
- pick off,
- picked,
- pigment,
- pinnacle,
- pioneer,
- pique,
- pistol,
- plug,
- positive,
- possible,
- postnatal,
- pot,
- potshoot,
- potshot,
- praise meeting,
- prayer,
- prayer meeting,
- prayers,
- preadamite,
- preceding,
- precurrent,
- predominant,
- preeminent,
- preexistent,
- preglacial,
- pregnant,
- prehistoric,
- prehuman,
- premier,
- prenatal,
- prepare,
- preponderant,
- prevailing,
- previous,
- pride,
- primal,
- primary,
- primavera,
- prime of life,
- prime song,
- primeval,
- primitive,
- primitiveness,
- primitivity,
- primogenial,
- primoprimitive,
- primordial,
- principal,
- prior,
- pristine,
- prize,
- procreative,
- protohistoric,
- protohuman,
- puberty,
- pubescence,
- public worship,
- queen,
- quicken,
- quintessence,
- quintessential,
- radical,
- ranking,
- rational,
- real,
- reciprocal,
- revival,
- revival meeting,
- riddle,
- ripe age,
- riper years,
- rudimental,
- rudimentary,
- ruling,
- seedtime,
- select,
- senior,
- service,
- set,
- sext,
- shade,
- shadow,
- shellac,
- shoot,
- shoot at,
- shoot down,
- slap on,
- slather,
- slop on paint,
- smear,
- smear on,
- snipe,
- sovereign,
- spread on,
- spread with,
- spring,
- springtide,
- springtime,
- stain,
- star,
- steam up,
- stellar,
- stimulate,
- stipple,
- strike,
- stuff with knowledge,
- submultiple,
- sunrise,
- sunup,
- supereminent,
- superior,
- superlative,
- supreme,
- surd,
- surpassing,
- take a potshot,
- tar,
- teach,
- tent meeting,
- the best,
- the best ever,
- the tops,
- the very best,
- tierce,
- tinct,
- tincture,
- tinge,
- tint,
- toga virilis,
- tone,
- top,
- topflight,
- torpedo,
- train,
- transcendental,
- tutor,
- undercoat,
- underived,
- undersong,
- unmatchable,
- unmatched,
- unparalleled,
- unsurpassed,
- uppermost,
- ur,
- varnish,
- very best,
- vesper,
- vespers,
- vestibule of Day,
- vigils,
- virility,
- warm up,
- warming-up,
- wash,
- watch meeting,
- watch night,
- watch-night service,
- whitewash,
- wind,
- wind up,
- womanhood,
- womanlihood,
- worthy,
- years of discretion,
- youth,
- youthfulness,
- zenith