Exact Match:
- puff
- a slow inhalation (as of tobacco smoke); "he took a puff on his pipe"; "he took a drag on his cigarette and expelled the smoke slowly"
- exaggerated praise (as for promotional purposes)
- a light inflated pastry or puff shell
- a short light gust of air
- gathered for protruding fullness; "puff sleeves"
- blow hard and loudly; "he huffed and puffed as he made his way up the mountain"
- to swell or cause to enlarge, "Her faced puffed up from the drugs"; "puffed out chests"
- speak in a blustering or scornful manner; "A puffing kind of man"
- praise extravagantly; "The critics puffed up this Broadway production"
- smoke and exhale strongly; "puff a cigar"; "whiff a pipe"
- suck in or take (air); "draw a deep breath"; "draw on a cigarette"
- make proud or conceited; "The sudden fame puffed her ego"
- Aqua-Lung,
- Danish pastry,
- French pastry,
- PR,
- acknowledgment,
- add to,
- adulate,
- advertise,
- advertisement,
- advocate,
- aggrandize,
- amplify,
- apotheosize,
- appreciation,
- artificial respiration,
- aspiration,
- asthmatic wheeze,
- augment,
- back,
- baklava,
- balloon,
- ballyhoo,
- bark,
- base,
- belaud,
- bepraise,
- bill,
- blast,
- bless,
- blintz,
- bloat,
- bloatedness,
- bloating,
- blow,
- blow a hurricane,
- blow great guns,
- blow over,
- blow up,
- blowing up,
- blubber,
- blurb,
- bluster,
- boast,
- boast of,
- boost,
- brag,
- brag about,
- break down,
- breakers,
- breath,
- breath of air,
- breathe,
- breathe hard,
- breathe in,
- breathe out,
- breathing,
- breeze,
- breeze up,
- brew,
- bright light,
- broaden,
- broken wind,
- build,
- build up,
- buildup,
- bulk,
- bulk out,
- bulletin,
- burlesque,
- burn out,
- butter,
- capful of wind,
- caricature,
- carry too far,
- celebrate,
- celebrity,
- chain-smoke,
- chaw,
- chew,
- chewing,
- chocolate eclair,
- circularize,
- clay,
- clown white,
- cock-a-doodle-doo,
- cold cream,
- collapse,
- collar,
- come up,
- comfortable,
- comforter,
- commend,
- commendation,
- common knowledge,
- compact,
- cosmetics,
- cough,
- crack up,
- cream puff,
- crescendo,
- crow,
- cry,
- cry up,
- currency,
- cushion,
- daylight,
- deify,
- develop,
- diastole,
- dilatation,
- dilate,
- dilation,
- distend,
- distension,
- dough,
- dowdy,
- down,
- drag,
- draught,
- draw,
- draw the longbow,
- droop,
- drop,
- dropsy,
- drugstore complexion,
- eclair,
- eclat,
- edema,
- eiderdown,
- emblazon,
- emit,
- enlarge,
- establish,
- eulogize,
- evacuate,
- exaggerate,
- exalt,
- exhalation,
- exhale,
- exhaust,
- expand,
- expel,
- expiration,
- expire,
- exposure,
- exsufflation,
- extend,
- extol,
- eye shadow,
- eyebrow pencil,
- faint,
- fame,
- famousness,
- fatigue,
- feather bed,
- feathers,
- flag,
- flatter,
- flatulence,
- flatulency,
- flatus,
- fleece,
- floss,
- flourish,
- flue,
- fluff,
- foam,
- foundation,
- foundation cream,
- freshen,
- froth,
- fume,
- gasconade,
- gasp,
- gassiness,
- gather,
- get tired,
- give a write-up,
- give off,
- give out,
- give publicity,
- give vent to,
- glare,
- glorify,
- go to extremes,
- good word,
- greasepaint,
- grow weary,
- gulp,
- gust,
- habitual smoking,
- hack,
- hand cream,
- hand lotion,
- head,
- heave,
- hero-worship,
- hiccup,
- hike,
- hike up,
- honorable mention,
- hoopla,
- hue and cry,
- huff,
- huff and puff,
- hype,
- hyperbolize,
- idolize,
- increase,
- inflate,
- inflation,
- inhalation,
- inhalator,
- inhale,
- inhale snuff,
- inspiration,
- inspire,
- insufflation,
- intumescence,
- iron lung,
- item,
- jade,
- kapok,
- lather,
- laud,
- laudation,
- lay it on,
- let out,
- limelight,
- lionize,
- lip rouge,
- lipstick,
- magnify,
- make much of,
- makeup,
- mascara,
- maximum dissemination,
- mention,
- meringue,
- meteorism,
- mousse,
- mouth,
- mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,
- mudpack,
- nail polish,
- nicotine addiction,
- nicotinism,
- notice,
- notoriety,
- offscum,
- open the floodgates,
- open the sluices,
- overcharge,
- overdo,
- overdraw,
- overestimate,
- overpraise,
- overreach,
- overreact,
- oversell,
- overspeak,
- overstate,
- overstress,
- oxygen mask,
- oxygen tent,
- paint,
- pandowdy,
- panegyrize,
- pant,
- pastry,
- pasty,
- patisserie,
- patty,
- patty-shell,
- pay tribute,
- peter out,
- pie,
- pile it on,
- pillow,
- pipe up,
- placard,
- play out,
- plug,
- plush,
- poop out,
- porter aux nues,
- post,
- post bills,
- post up,
- powder,
- powder puff,
- praise,
- prate,
- press notice,
- press-agent,
- promote,
- promotion,
- public eye,
- public knowledge,
- public relations,
- public report,
- publicity,
- publicity story,
- publicize,
- publicness,
- pudding,
- puff and blow,
- puff of air,
- puff of wind,
- puff up,
- puffery,
- puffiness,
- puffing,
- pull,
- pump,
- pump up,
- push,
- putty,
- quiche,
- rage,
- raise,
- rarefy,
- reclame,
- recognition,
- recommend,
- reek,
- report,
- respiration,
- respire,
- review,
- rodomontade,
- rosette,
- rouge,
- rubber,
- run down,
- run out,
- salute,
- satin,
- scuba,
- scud,
- scum,
- sea foam,
- sell,
- set in,
- sigh,
- silk,
- sink,
- smoke,
- smoking,
- smoking habit,
- sneeze,
- sniff,
- sniffle,
- snore,
- snoring,
- snort,
- snuff,
- snuffle,
- soapsuds,
- souffle,
- speak for Buncombe,
- speak highly of,
- speak warmly of,
- speak well of,
- spiel,
- spindrift,
- spoondrift,
- spotlight,
- spray,
- spume,
- squall,
- steam,
- sternutation,
- stertor,
- stinging,
- stir of air,
- storm,
- stretch,
- stretch the truth,
- stretching,
- strudel,
- succumb,
- suck,
- suds,
- sufflate,
- support,
- surf,
- suspiration,
- swagger,
- swansdown,
- swell,
- swell out,
- swellage,
- swelling,
- swollenness,
- tabacism,
- tabacosis,
- tabagism,
- take snuff,
- talcum,
- talcum powder,
- talk big,
- talk in superlatives,
- tart,
- thistledown,
- throw off,
- timbale,
- tipsy cake,
- tire,
- tobaccoism,
- tout,
- travesty,
- trifle,
- trumpet,
- tumefaction,
- tumescence,
- tumidity,
- tumidness,
- turgescence,
- turgidity,
- turgidness,
- turnover,
- tympanism,
- tympany,
- up,
- vanishing cream,
- vanity case,
- vapor,
- vaunt,
- velvet,
- vol-au-vent,
- waft,
- war paint,
- wax,
- weary,
- wheeze,
- whiff,
- whiffet,
- whiffle,
- white water,
- widen,
- wilt,
- wind,
- windiness,
- wool,
- word,
- write up,
- write-up,
- zephyr